Governmental entity presents a use case on a Blockchain Federal Argentina | Breaking News

On the 21st of October took place the event #BFA19, where various public entities of the argentine government and private companies, and taught the progress of their use cases and implementations on the network permisionada Blockchain Federal Argentina (BFA). One of these entities is the Ministry of Education and Innovation (GCBA), which launched the initiative, “Folder ” Citizen”, who is in charge of the Subsecretar(ia Smart City and Educational Technology. Breaking News interviewed the head of Strategic Projects, Hemilse Debrouvier, who explained that in his area they are working in the incorporation of new technologies to government processes and applications for the citizen.

Folder citizen is a repository of documents of the citizen in the application miBA, which is used to know which documents were issued by the government and are valid. What we do is we take the hash of the document and save it in BFA for authentication.

Hemilse Debrouvier, Ministry of Education and Innovation.

Debrouvier also explained that they carried out their smart contracts (contracts wise) on network BFA because the cost is free and for now it is centralized, unlike other public networks where each hash of a document you would pay the cost of a transaction in your criptomoneda native. He explained that the blockchain of bitcoin doesn’t offer the possibility of making contracts intelligent (in your opinion), but they are not against technology. He commented in addition that maintain nodes sealants BFA and the application to the miBA is now available, offering the services of government to citizens. On “Folder ” Citizens” added that are close to launch the initiative, which is currently in production, with the secondary titles of the citizens, certificate ECOF (Center of entrepreneurial Labour) and the certificates of practical profesionalizantes of students of secondary schools, which have a focus on job placement.

Regulation of notarized documents in blockchain

Around the legal validity of the scanned documents and notarized in BFA, Debrouvier pointed out that when it comes to validations between private bodies, there is no problem because some of the entities that validate these documents, are part of the BFA and work for employers and other entities, that are not part of the network and not even know that it’s the technology blockchain, they can also validate these documents in the future.Regarding the regulation at the national level, commented that there are still some rules that allow it to take as valid all of these documents, but working with some agencies that are part of the BFA, to be able to make regulations on this type of documents, therefore, are focusing on digitizing what before only existed on paper and give greater security to this digital document.

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