How many Bitcoins need to be a millionaire?

With the rises and falls in the market cryptographic, many are wondering what is the minimum amount of Bitcoins that need to be millionaires. This, taking into account that the rest of your funds can sell them or spend them as they wish. However, some analysts within the community to cryptographically assure that the question should not be “how many”, but if there really is a specific amount that you can to ensure that objective. But before that, it is pertinent to clarify certain points. First, with the issue of the price, it is important to address the issue of when it is preferable to buy Bitcoins, and when not, depending on its price in the market. What is certain is that, although the majority of the community cryptographic looks forward to the rise in the prices of the digital currency, the fall will also be used. And is that when the price of BTC low, it is the perfect time to buy. In fact, there are people within the community cryptographic who look forward to the fall in the price of the criptomoneda to be able to buy more. But, doesn’t this contrary to what the media show that they say the predictions of famous analysts of the encryption? Why some enthusiasts of the ecosystem seem to want to go “against the flow”? The answer is more simple than you think: the desire of wanting to get rich more quickly. If you buy Bitcoins at a low price, when this upload your funds will increase, and you may happen to have more wealth in a relative little time. And this brings us back to the main question, is there a specific quantity of Bitcoins to maintain to ensure the wealth? If so, what is that amount?


The clubs of Bitcoin

The answer to this question depends on your ultimate goal. If you want to belong to one of the so-called “clubs of Bitcoin”, then the minimum amount of BTC to keep it quite clear. There are 2 clubs of Bitcoin that have baptized the users of Reddit. The first is the “21 Million Club”, which is for those states that have 1 BTC or more. Its name originates because there’ll be 21 million Bitcoins in existence; therefore, the club will only have a maximum of 21 million members. The other club is called “1 Million Club”, whose requirement for membership is that the user have 21 BTC. This also refers to the maximum amount of Bitcoins that will be issued. What you want to say that this exclusive club will reach a maximum of 1 million members. However, if the goal of the user is not belong to these clubs, but to reach the wealth at the same time that it achieves financial independence, these figures might not be the answer.

The formula for the million dollars

For these people there is another alternative. Kyle Kemper, the founder of Swiss Key, developed a formula that, in theory, shows the amount of BTC that you must possess. This is in conjunction with the growth of Bitcoin over the years and the overall wealth. According to the formula of Kemper, to ensure an equity of 1 million dollars, must have a total of 0,06624605 BTC. To understand the formula, it should be clear that: wealth is the amount that one wants to ensure. Global wealth is all the wealth of the world. B-WIT is the goal of the insurance of wealth of Bitcoin. Knowing this, Kemper then explains that: total Supply of Bitcoin = 21 millonesRiqueza global and, therefore, the penetration absolute Bitcoin = $317 billion.B-WIT = (1 million / 317 billion) x 21 millonesB-WIT = 0,06624605 BTC Is important to remember that this is only a theory, there are no absolute truths in this topic. However, it is a good approximation for those who are wondering what is the minimum amount of Bitcoins you need to maintain. The following two tabs change content below. I am a student of International Studies, interested in new technologies and their impact on the world. A true believer that tenacity is the foundation of success.

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