How secure is your data and communications on your cell phone? Asegúralos with Encrypted

Key facts:

The cellular encrypted are designed to combat attacks to the security of the comunicacionesLa quality of the encrypted devices is rigorously tested to ensure their integrity.The cellular and conventional have the option of encrypting some data, but it is not enough to have an acceptable level of reliability, because their operating systems are still vulnerable to attacks from hackers and does not possess safety, synchronized both in hardware as in software, this is the main key to achieve get a cell phone to test threats.When we talk about threats to cyber security, we must not limit our scope to the digital landscape. A cell phone is a container of physical access to confidential information, which could be one of the links weaker if it is reached by third-party malicious.Have you ever heard the term cellular encryption? If the answer is no, I will explain; the cellular encrypted to protect your communications and all information stored on it by using encryption technology. So, when you lose control of the device for any reason, such as theft or loss, the cellular encrypted demonstrate your level of security by ensuring that this drawback is minor, because it prevents exposure of confidential data and to a possible identity theft.As well as technology advances with respect to the security on mobile devices, they are also more modern ways of stealing data and hacking phones, by this keep in mind the well-known scam “port-out” that allows the scammers to overcome the additional security measures in the accounts, records, personal and financial, to be able to easily get the data of emails, photos, contacts, wallets, phone calls, chats, and all kinds of personal information they may have on the cell phone.This type of scam is still very used in the sector of the cryptocurrencies as it is a method completely digital, and for hackers who manage systems of data collection, it is very easy to achieve your goal. That’s why we advise you to secure your information and communications.There are many ways to buy a cell phone that is encrypted and it is now easier than ever is the new platform for the international sale specializing in phones encrypted, founded in Quebec, Canada and with a projection to be one of the main platforms for the sale of these cellular encrypted in the world, by integrating in a single site all the best technologies and brands on the market.It is important to choose the option that best suits our needs, identifying the various applications and functions of each telephone system encryption. In presents a comparison of functionalities of the four leading brands in Latin america, the new and full-cell brand Encrypted, and positioned Encrochat, Ciphr and Sky ECC. In addition, soon this platform of online sales will add more brands to its portfolio.All these devices are characterized by possessing an operating system specifically designed to eliminate the security gaps that have operating systems generic, technology-cybersecurity indecipherable and security patches updated against threats to the digital environment.The devices presented to us by the platform is have a chat application that integrates groups, video call, voice memos, photos, attachments and voice calls; in addition, they have a powerful PGP eMail and a system of “Backup Vault” in the cloud, SIM international and a great interface for the user.Another feature in these phones is the ability to turn visualizations into work mode and incognito mode, options of strategic security to block the sensitive information in case of tampering by an intruder; they are also equipped with scavenging of emergency situations of theft or panic. See more details in your web site.Currently information is one of our most valuable assets and preserve the privacy of communications and stored data for all of us in the world of cryptocurrencies is something of vital importance, for this cell phone are encrypted are a good investment, visit and check the features that each brand offers, you are sure to find the perfect option for your needs.Disclaimer: The contents and the links provided in this article only meet for informational purposes. Breaking News does not provide recommendations or advice on legal, financial, or investment, or replace the due diligence of each interested party. Breaking News does not endorse any investment offer or similar here promoted. For more information click here.

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