How to survive 24 hours using only bitcoin? – Breaking News

Is it possible to have a 24-hour survival with nothing but bitcoin? That question is try to use the well-known YouTuber, Ryan Trahan, to answer in his latest video. His channel has over two million subscribers, and his videos are always packed with comments. Ryan and Trahan can be an influencer, and have a video on bitcoin can have an impact on the younger generation of Americans.


The biggest challenge was the food

Trahan’s challenge was to eat to settle. The YouTuber lives in Austin, Texas, and there are hardly any restaurants or foodtrucks that bitcoin is accepted as means of payment.
When he went to the barber shop went on he had more and more success, he could pay for it with bitcoin.
After that, it had Trahan in a taxi. Uber will accept no bitcoin, or cryptocurrency, so he had to make a detour to be necessary. Trahan purchased this is why bitcoin is an Uber gift card.

In Arnhem you have more chance of success

The video is to show that bitcoin still has a long way to go, as a means of payment. Austin has almost 800,000 inhabitants, and yet there are hardly any retail stores or restaurants, of which bitcoin is accepted as means of payment.
You can see that on the According to this site there are all over the city, only 24 companies where you can pay with bitcoin. And, according to Trahan, there are also restaurants that are now closed.
In that regard they had the Trahan be more effective in Arnhem, the netherlands Bitcoinstad. In the city of Arnhem, you can be on more than a hundred places to go with bitcoin. Just grab a beer on the terrace or do some shopping in the Spar, it’s all up to you. It’s also in Arnhem in the forefront in terms of technology, and also by the Lightning Network, pay for it.

Great video for everyone

At the beginning of the video, and puts the YouTuber in a short explanation of what bitcoin is, and what cryptocurrency stands for. For newcomers this is a great video to get started in the exciting world of bitcoin and cryptocurrency. And for the die-hard bitcoin HODL there, it is just a funny video to watch.
Check out the video here:

Cryptocurrency Market