How to trade Ether in line with PrimeBit

The criptomoneda Ether remains one of the crypto assets more important today, high volatility is ideal to take advantage of opportunities for profitable trading. In recent days, the ETH is recovered above $ 200 USD, and continuous with a groove ascending. For the time of writing this note is already reaching up to 241 USD.

While Bitcoin has been the center of attention in recent months due to the recent halving, the Ether, the second criptomoneda of increased capitalization has been outperforming the king of the cryptocurrencies in performance from the 1 of January. To that date, the ETH is was priced at 129 USD, is currently presenting an increase of 56%, while the Bitcoin has reported a 38% increase on the same period of time.

Performance of ETHUSD from 1 January 2020, Source: PrimeBit WebTrader

The volatility of Ether makes it a valuable addition to the diversification of our portfolio of investments. Anyone can get easy access to this criptomoneda exchanging contracts ETHUSD, speculating on the swings in its price and buying or selling these contracts in consequence, obtaining gains in both markets upstream as downstream.

Contracts ETHUSD can be traded with leverage. This means that we may borrow funds for the purpose of purchase or sell larger positions. Let’s say that, if we buy ETHUSD for 10 USD with a leverage of 100x, we could enter a position with a value of $ 1,000 USD.

Trade Ether with Primebit

PrimeBit is a trading platform of cryptocurrencies where you can negotiate contracts to perpetual (unlimited income) with a fair price and leverage that can reach up to 200x.

PrimeBit is the best place to trade cryptocurrencies in a fair manner. The platform allows us to negotiate contracts perpetual ETHUSD to a value of fixed point and with a fair price, using external benchmarks as a basis for stop-loss and stop-outs. The option to exchange ETHUSD with a leverage of up to 200x can help to generate more profits which usually we might generate.

Trading is easy with PrimeBit WebTrader

PrimeBit WebTrader is easy to use and very accessible. Purchase and sell contracts ETHUSD and other pairs of crypto 24/7 in any place using your desktop computer or mobile devices. Graphics and analytical tools for basic and advanced will help you to make better trading decisions. Alternating panels to highlight or hide data according to your preferences.

Use our free demo account when you register to mitigate risks. PrimeBit offers funds for demonstration so that you can make transactions simulated using data from the live market. This way you get a first-hand experience on how it works the process of trading before you jump into the live trading.

In PrimeBit you can win even without negotiating, because you can get great rewards by inviting your friends to trade with on the platform. Not only do you get up to a 20% revenue share for life for every referral, the same way your friend also receives a 10% discount on commissions taker for 6 months.

Discover more revenue opportunities in PrimeBit. ¡Create your free account and start trading today!

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