IA to find cures for Coronavirus

In previous occasions, was exposed as Artificial Intelligence are developing drugs, born from the creativity of the IA. Stressing that these medicines are still in a state of trial, in a space isolated and controlled. However, able the time came to shine for the platforms, given that they could find the cure for Coronavirus.



First of all, it is necessary a background summary on the current situation with the virus that is hitting the world, the Coronavirus. It should be noted that on previous occasions we have stated on the subject, although we invite you to read our articles, we urge you to seek professional information. Knowing this, we proceed to explain the context, highlighting that it is a virus that has animal origin, is suspected of coming from a soup of bats. This is a virus that is spread through the air and is highly contagious. Among its symptoms is mostly a very high fever, nausea, pain of limbs, and respiratory problems. However, there are two important issues about the virus, which can be handled by the Artificial Intelligence. We are concerned that, like the viruses of years past, such as the “Swine Flu” or “Avian Flu”, these are viruses that are in constant mutation. Therefore, there is not a cure directly to the virus, possessing a symptomatic treatment. This means that you should treat each symptom as you go manifesting. In addition, we emphasize that it is curable eventually, there are already cases healed; however, if not treated, can be fatal.

The doctor IA

It is at this point that the IA can support in the treatment of people suffering from the Coronavirus, given that you can now exceed the capabilities of the people. With the implementation of these platforms, you can attack the virus by two main areas. First with his analysis prior to evolve, even with the possibility to predict what will evolve, allowing to facilitate the creation of a cure. This application of the IA is doing in the Uk, people of Benevolent AI, studying the virus with its platforms unique. It should be noted that their advances were published in the “The Lancet”, highlighting that his focus currently is on testing existing drugs and their effectiveness. The second area to be manipulated has a more direct impact, however more complex. The people of Insilico Medicine plan to use their AI to design a new drug that will cure the Coronavirus completely. The idea is to combine a series of molecules that are able to fight with the virus, even if this evolves. It is said that it is more complex because they skip direct understanding of the virus, using the AI to simulate the possible cases according to the information of the moment. The following two tabs change content below. I am a student of economics, interested in innovation and technological development, always faithful to that tomorrow will be a better day.

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