Imagine the world that is coming, part III: Smart Homes

Continuing with the third installment of articles about how will be our world with technology. In this edition we bring you a theme that unifies the Artificial Intelligence technology and Internet of Things. On this occasion, the focus is on smart home.



Also known as “smart homes”, the smart homes refer to residences of the people to be customizable with technology to improve their quality of life. It should be noted the last three words, because there are necessary requirements to achieve this level. With this we mean which you can personalize a home with paint, however this does not help your quality of life as such. In addition, they can improve the technology of their homes with a tv in best quality of colors, but do not support them in their lives. However, to unify them, you get a smart home. For this reason in particular highlights the technology of IoT, given that it allows the technology to connect between the same, facilitating the tasks in the palm of a hand. In addition, later joined the artificial intelligence, allowing you to learn in a unique way each person in the house. Therefore, in practical terms, the smart homes are unique ecosystems of each person, where each apparatus are the environment and the people living within the same. Currently there are two companies that are leading the market of smart homes, being that provided by the soil ecosystem. One of them is Amazon, with its representative Alexa, which allows you to connect to various platforms, such as Samsung or other companies allied. However, the other company seems to be investing significantly in this topic, being Google with the platform in constant evolution Google Assistant. It should be noted that Google is a rival powerful when you consider that by owning an Android phone, you already possess an intelligent assistant trained, by which, when connected with the platform from home is easier the training. In addition, remember his most recent tool for controlling the smart home: Smart Displays.

Trends to 2020

The people of Forbes made an article on trends to be taken into consideration for the year 2020 on smart homes. However, the list that expose particularly want to highlight two: Standards within the single while each smart home is unique and different to the other, a topic that they do share is the technology required to build the homes. In this sense we mean that you can own the same model of refrigerator or machine to make coffee. However, depending on what device home use, either Google or Amazon, will require a special device. For example, a device Xiaomi is not compatible with Google but if with Amazon. Thus, according to the people of Forbes, this 2020 it is suggested that these obstacles compatibility will be corrected. This will establish some consistent standards for the technology, highlighting that it will be the same market determined. Faster networks Also, as it says in the name of the IoT, the connections between the devices occurring via the Internet. Therefore, the demand for smart homes poses that require faster networks if you want to evolve. This means that the development of the Internet 5G is necessary for the future of the smart home. The following two tabs change content below. I am a student of economics, interested in innovation and technological development, always faithful to that tomorrow will be a better day.

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