Increasing academic interest in courses on cryptocurrencies | Breaking News

A study prepared recently by the home exchange Coinbase in association with the market research company Qriously revealed a growing interest of the youth by courses related to the ecosystem of the cryptocurrencies, whose academic offer has taken an important impetus in colleges and universities around the world.According to the report, the interest of students to pursue studies related to the world of crypto, doubled in comparison with the data collected by Coinbase in 2018 in the same field of study.This year 18% of the students surveyed reported having taken at least one course related to cryptocurrencies, while that in 2018 only recorded participation in courses, 9% of respondents.The student interest has been a response to academic, given that 56% of the top 50 universities in the world offer at least one course on the ecosystem, crypto, compared to 42% who threw the survey in 2018.The research included a survey of 735 american students, older than 16 years of age, who were consulted on their ideas about the ecosystem of the cryptocurrencies. Also included a full review of the courses on cryptocurrencies and technology blockchain in 50 international universities, as well as interviews with teachers and students.

As part of our second annual study, we extend our methodology to analyze a broader set of determinants. To evaluate the current landscape of the criptocurrencia in higher education, Coinbase reviewed the course catalogs of the top 50 universities in the world according to the ranking of US News and World Report. Our study focused on the classes available to undergraduate and graduate students in 2019, for which there was information available online.Annual report of Coinbase on the current landscape of education in cryptocurrencies

Considering that the classes just represent part of the commitment of a university with this field, this year’s study of Coinbase also performed an analysis of the bids not related to the courses or subjects included in curriculum of studies, but also evaluated the initiatives investigating officers and the clubs of cryptocurrencies led by students. Also made a follow-up to the appointments of research related to the accounting systems, distributed in 50 schools of the best universities in the world.So it was discovered that the top 10 schools on the list -that in the united States include the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), New York University, Stanford and the University of California at Berkeley – have a deep commitment to learning related to the world of cryptocurrencies, and the chain of blocks, both at the level of the students, and teachers.Cornell University in New York, for example, offers 14 courses on cryptocurrencies and/or blockchain (rather than the 9 that was in 2018) and its group IC3 brings together researchers from the best universities around the world.A large part of the academic initiatives around the cryptocurrencies are developed in the faculties and schools of computing or the financial area , but progressively these courses attract the interest of other academic areas such as, Law, Humanities, Management, or History. Almost 70 percent of the courses on cryptocurrencies are taught in academic areas outside the departments of computer science.The academic areas of Computing and Finance will offer 52% of the courses on cryptocurrencies. Image: Coinbase Reports.

Options for learning

The report of Coinbase mentioned the educational options that are available in the best universities in the world, among them stand out the on-line courses such as the Sloan School of Management at MIT. It is a six-week course for professionals, like the dictation on the UC Berkeley offered a class on line called Blockchain Fundamentals through the center for online learning edX (which also offers classes on the topic created by the LINUX Foundation).Other sites, such as Udemy, Coursera and Udacity, offer a number of courses, including the program of nanogrado “Become a Blockchain Developer of Udacity, taught by experts working in this field, and the course “Fintech Specialization” of Coursera, created and taught by professors of the Wharton School of Business of the University of Pennsylvania.Among other alternatives also mentioned the initiative of the University of California-Berkeley, has been offering a popular course called the “Blockchain, Cryptoeconomics, and the Future of Technology, Business and Law”. The university offers the course as a collaboration of three separate departments: the schools of engineering, business and law.Another training option in the area is offered by the National University of Singapore, where the business students who are studying “Financial Regulation in a Digital Age” (Financial Regulation in the Digital Age) can learn about how technological developments -including the chain of blocks – are transforming finance and the regulatory matters that need to be addressed to maximize the potential.In addition students of Stanford Law are recorded in the “Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies: Law, Economy, Business and Politics” to study the legal structures and regulatory matters with a particular emphasis on securities regulation.On the other hand the students of Sociology at Stanford are exploring the potential of the chain of blocks to create a more just economic system in a class called “Justice + Poverty Innovation”, where students learn about how to use emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and the chain of blocks as the solutions applied to the problems related to housing, drugs and debts.”Entrepreneurship without Borders”, a course of the Sloane School of Management at MIT, guides the students through the creation of new ventures global, with a special focus on the technology of the strings of blocks.And this fall, the Digital Currency Initiative (DCI) of the MIT, as part of the multimedia laboratory, has joined the Faculty of Harvard Law school to offer a class of criptoética that will bring together a wide variety of academics.In Spanish america, there were many initiatives of specialization and postgraduate in the areas of blockchain and cryptocurrencies from 2018, especially in Spanish universities. There is also a supply current of graduates in cryptocurrencies and blockchains, in the academic offer of Latin american universities.

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