Inheritance: China tackles the Bitcoin on the angle in the law of succession

In the framework of the development of its new civil Code, China has provided a specific means to govern the transmission of an inheritance of bitcoins and put an end to the legal uncertainty surrounding this new class of assets.


The civil Code of china, and the Bitcoin

Developed for the last three years, the first civil Code in chinese would be under consideration in the Parliament. This set of texts is divided into six different sections relating to the management of property, contracts, rights of the person, marriage and family, inheritance and offences.

In the inheritance section, the Parliament has provided a regulatory framework to govern the transmission of property in crypto-currencies. The inheritance law currently in force was established in 1985 and applies only to civilian property, real estate and cultural relics and copyright.

According to Lixin Zhang, professor, Renmin University of China, the current laws concerning inheritance are outdated and do not take into account the new technologies that have emerged over the past 20 years.

To highlight the observance of the rights

The design of a civil Code is consistent with the objective of the chinese Parliament to promote the rule of law in the country. In addition, the device provides for numerous laws to protect the citizens, including one that prohibits arbitrary private data by companies and the State.

“To have a civil Code, will be another crucial step in the development of a legal system socialist with chinese characteristics. It will provide a major boost to the modernization of the system and the governance capacity of China, ” said Lixin Zhang, a chinese economist.

Christine Bierre, expert at the Institute Schiller of France, notes that the civil Code is an important symbol of the modernization of the rule of law in China.

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