Kyrgyzstan taxa mineable crypto – Breaking News

From CriptoTendencia, we pay permanently attention to new developments in the field of the regulations that are imposed all over the world for the sector of the cryptocurrencies, including prohibitions and new taxes. And that is, governments and regulatory authorities around the world have commented on multiple occasions, the need to create laws that they can keep under control a market that is becoming increasingly more important, as is the cryptocurrencies, which has the power to impact positively or negatively the real economy of the countries. Sometimes the efforts regulators from governments are translated into rules of the game clear, to permit the development of productive economic activities that take advantage of technology Blockchain, and generate sources of income and jobs for the companies with enough vision to create the regulatory frameworks progressive. In other cases the story is totally different, with misgivings on the part of the States, who attempt to exercise absolute control over the cryptocurrencies, even to consider a total ban on the activities that have to do with crypto, whether mined, possession, or exchange. In the end this type of attitudes will not achieve their goal, since the technology of Blockchain and the cryptocurrencies product of it are a reality, are part of our societies and will not be eradicated. Therefore, when governments are trying to confront those who try to take advantage of the Blockchain, they lose time and effort, delaying the development of a technology that could be a source of jobs and income for their nation, which is lagging behind other countries in where, on the contrary, the cryptocurrencies are stimulated through regulation. Kyrgyzstan seems to have understood this, and for this reason, the Minister of Economy of this country would have introduced a proposal of reform to the Tax Code of the asian country, which would recognize the existence of the cryptocurrencies while establishing a regulatory framework for the taxación of your mined. This represents an important change of attitude in the government of the Kyrgyz republic, which explicitly forbade the cryptocurrencies in 2014, but since then has been developing a device legal that allows its use. For this reason, we chose this as our Data of the Day here in CriptoTendencia, since this law, even though it may seem negative at first (after all, no one wants you to be taxed on their income), which reveals to us is a change of attitude and gradual within the institutions of Kyrgyzstan, a move that could well be followed by other countries around the world. The following two tabs change content below. Student of International Studies, interested in issues of economy and international politics. Passionate about the progress of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in general and the cryptocurrencies in particular.


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