Let’s be honest: Until what time can reach the Bitcoin price is really a Million dollars?

Price predictions for Bitcoin will usually encounter a great deal of skepticism – all the more so, if the forecast proves to be exaggerated. A Million dollars per BTC is not beyond the Possible, but the goal is still far off.


Bitcoin price when $ 1 Million up to 2038?

A good way to make predictions about future cycles, is a look into the past. A Reservation, however, there is this: BTC is only a decade old, so we can not really be able to draw on a lot of data for the analysis.
In his latest Video, the Analyst Benjamin Cowen data from the logarithmic regression has to be to achieve a polished model of Bitcoin extra, a realistic prediction as to when the Bitcoin prices with seven-digit values.

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The first assumption is that the market for longer cycles, wherein the first peak is 2.5 years and the following 4 years will last. However, there are only two data points, so that is a lot of room for error.
The next Bitcoin price is high according to this theory, approximately 5.5 years after the Peak in December 2017. The Bitcoin-price up to 2023 to be about $ 100,000. All of this has been calculated by means of logarithmic Regression, under the assumption that it will be this year no half-planning-rally.
Cowen adds that this is purely hypothetical and long-term movements, it will be ignored, with smaller Pumps and Dumps of the market.
Then he signed the next potential market cycle. The lasts 7 years and brings Bitcoin, by 2030, to $ 500,000. The peak values approach with the extension of the market cycles, the regression band. BTC remains at this rate, he could reach a realistic manner, the next climax – and is a Million dollars until 2038 or 2040.

A further four and a half coats

Until then, Bitcoin will have four more coats to go through, which will reduce the range dramatically and the demand by the perceived scarcity will potentially increase.
The prices were derived by Adding a number of logarithmic regression lines for potential support and resistance zones in the course of time. In this model, each cycle falls during the bear markets of 2.5 logarithmic lines.
Cowen, according to the volatility and “mania will decline phase”. It is expected that the next cycle brings in the following 3 years of massive gains, however, subsequent cycles should be made in respect of the potential income is much slower.

“If you’re in the Bitcoin market, you will still have a much greater ROI potential over the next three years.”

There is, therefore, a further price forecasts, the BTC in the late 30s, at a Million dollars looks. In the meantime, John McAfee may have to be phallic lunch, then enjoyed.

Cryptocurrency Market