Lottery argentina will test with a blockchain to improve transparency


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The Lottery of Rio Negro will start the deployment the next year for the Betting community Rionegrina.The authorities hope to gain confidence among the players, third parties and auditors.The authorities of the province of Rio Negro in Argentina conducted a pilot test with a blockchain for a lottery as a first step to determine the utility of this type of decentralized networks and seek other ways of application for the rest of the public administration.The project would be implemented next year and in the first phase would include the Predictor Rionegrina and coupons to winners of more than 100,000 pesos, as reported by the Lottery through a press note. Although it was not specified when they will begin testing or what type of blockchain will be used, the institution stated that the main objective of adopting this technology is to provide greater confidence to the citizens about the information that generates and emits the lottery.“We have to move towards digital, because today the world already is. Today we will begin to work together to I City to incorporate blockchain within the process of modernization which has begun in our province, as an additional element for providing security to the citizen that is who we must give account”, explained Luis Ayestarán, president of the Lottery of Rio Negro of Argentina, during the announcement of the project.The company in charge of the project is the startup local Os City. Her representative, Luke Jolías, it stated that it will work with a blockchain, but not with cryptocurrencies. That is to say, it is not that the Lottery will accept bets with bitcoin, for example, but will use the network for auditing and analysis of internal information.For the executive, the implementation of decentralized networks is positive for Argentina because of the experiences that have been recorded in the country of manipulation of public information.

Games in blockchain

In the criptoecosistema are multiple user preferences for playing or betting with decentralized applications. According to the reports of DappRadar and State-of-the Dapps people choose in most of this type of entertainment. My Crypto Heroes and EOS Dynasty are examples of this.The casinos that operate on blockchains public also are other options between those who want to play online. Some options are FunFair, Bitcasino or in the case of sports betting.Keno Kong is one of the most popular games of FunFair. Image: @FunFairTech on twitter.comEl announcement of the Lottery Black River has a history, although it related to cryptocurrencies, in the Lottery of Zulia in Venezuela. The organization reported in August of this year that they would begin to receive wagers in bitcoin and petros, the criptomoneda state that drives the government of the oil-rich country.At that time the governor of the entity, Omar Prieto, indicated that they would use the portal to allow bets with cryptocurrencies for games Jungle Millionaire (lottery of animals), the Triple Zamorano and the Triple Zulia.A request for comment sent to Jolías to know more technical details of the project, was not answered. It is also expected response of Silvio Castro, secretary of the Modernization and Technological Innovation of the province of Rio Negro.

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