More of 6380 atms of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are active at the beginning of 2020


Key facts:

At the start of 2019, had 4.101 atms around the world.South america surpassed this year, 60 atm of cryptocurrencies.The number of atms of cryptocurrencies increased from 4.101 to the beginning of the year 2019 until the 6.387 with the start of this year 2020. This represents an increase of more than 50% in just a year.So it is possible to corroborate in the data of the portal of monitoring of atms cryptocurrencies Coin ATM Radar. In the graph of growth of atms of this site is observed in addition to how just since the beginning of last December, were installed more than 300 new devices this tipo.De those over 6,300 atms, nearly 4,500 are found in north american territory, which represents more than 75%. Another 19% (1.218 atm) are located in Europe, while Asia has 132 (2.1%) which was installed.In the case of Latin america, the number of atms installed is now higher than 100, according to Coin ATM Radar. In that list stands out particularly Colombia, with a total of 57 atm, which occupies the tenth place in the world.Panama, 16; Dominican Republic (13), Argentina, which has 11; and Mexico, with 10, are some of the other countries of the region with the largest number of atms of cryptocurrencies installed.Among the Spanish-speaking countries, precisely Spain has the most atms, with a total of 80, according to the records of Coin ATM Radar. This could mean that some of the devices of Spain were uninstalled or left out of operation, as at the end of October the figure in the european country was 84 cajeros.De fact, for that time, Spain was the fifth country with the most atms in the world, and is currently in sixth place. Preceding the united States, Canada, United Kingdom, Austria and Switzerland.

Constant growth of atms cryptocurrencies

The increase of atm of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in the world has been sustained. The numbers of this type of devices installed practically double every year. Although between the beginning of 2019 and the beginning of 2020 doubled the amount, in the year 2019 were installed largest number of atms (more than 2,200). In the period preceding the figure barely exceeded 2,000.The growth in the number of atms of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has been sustained in recent years. Source: Coin ATM RadarEn regard to Latin america, the figure at the end of 2019 also represents an increase of over 50% compared to the previous year. At the close of 2018, the region had about 75 atm.During 2019, there were not only a significant increase at the global level, but stressed countries such as Spain, with close to a 50% increase. Another noteworthy case is that of Venezuela, where they set up the first two atms (BATM) and other devices sale mobile phones, for a total of 6 recorded on Coin ATM Radar.Among the other countries of the Latin american region with the cashiers we find Peru, with 4; Ecuador and Chile have 3 each, Costa Rica has 2, while Brazil and Guatemala have a cashier each.The continent with less cashiers working is the african. According to the figures of distribution of Coin ATM Radar, just 11 devices are found in that region. Of them, nearly half are in south Africa, with 5. The other country with more than one cashier is Ghana, which has 2 installed.

Cryptocurrency Market