More than 40 protocols are part of the stack of emerging technology of Bitcoin


Key facts:

The developer Luke Nuzzi drew up a map with the protocols avant-garde based on Bitcoin.Lightning Network, WhatSat, Lapps, Taproot, and the signatures of Schnorr are part of the protocols.For Luke Nuzzi, director of Technology Research in Digital Asset Research, Bitcoin is far from being a technology that is static, because it is a set of protocols in constant evolution. This despite the fact that the central set of rules of consensus, defining both their properties to monetary inflation algorithmic and your offer encrypted, remain unchanged.Nuzzi makes this assertion in a written recent, published in Medium, and entitled “A look to the innovation in the battery technology of Bitcoin”. There presents a map of more than 40 protocols avant-garde that are being built on the network. The goal of the developer is to refute the belief that Bitcoin is an older technology, something that -in their view – is repeating a lot, as it raises through a tweet.The argument of Nuzzi’s part of the idea that, in essence, the constitution of Bitcoin empowers developers with limited tools so they can not infringe its monetary policy. “That means that the innovation in Bitcoin requires creativity, patience, and, perhaps more important, minimization of the ego”, expressed in its text, adding that it is for this reason that the technological innovation in the network is implemented through modules.

As noted often, the modular approach to Bitcoin innovation is analogous to the evolution of the suite of Internet protocols. Therefore, layers of different protocols are specialized in specific functions. The emails were handled by SMTP, file, FTP, web pages through HTTP, addressing users by IP, and routing of packets by TCP. Over the years, each of these protocols has evolved to provide the full experience that you are having at this very moment.Luke Nuzzi, director of Technology Research in Digital Asset Research.

It is thus analogous to what happened with the Internet, to Nuzzi is currently only at the beginning of the development of the suite of protocols of Bitcoin, which is specialize in various applications. This modular approach is the key to the development of the network, he says, because it allows to “minimize the politismo in the evolution of Bitcoin and protect their properties monetary fundamentals”.

Some protocols included in the map

In your diagram, Nuzzi is to make a sketch of all the initiatives relatively new to show “a more complete picture of the technology stack of Bitcoin”. Explains that the map is not exhaustive and does not reflect endorsement of specific initiatives, emphasizing that the innovation is being promoted on all fronts ranging from technologies of the second layer to solutions contracts smart-ups.The map of the technology of Bitcoin of Luke Nuzzi makes a sketch of the innovations of the platform. Source: Luke Nuzzi.In this regard, stresses the role of the network of micro-Lightning Network (LN) as part of the technology of the second layer. Highlights, therefore, their privacy settings, which are enabled with additional techniques that have allowed that 41% of the channels of LN will be private.This type of channels is on the rise, according to the developer, which in turn implies a decrease of what can be measured publicly. Something that “leads observers to conclude erroneously that the adoption has declined,” he concludes.The second layer also includes innovations such as the messaging system on Lightning, WhatSat and applications of Lightning (Lapps or Lightning Applications). In regards to the contracts smart of Bitcoin, it cites the design of a new approach, called Trees of abstract syntax Merkleized (MAST), which has generated assistive technologies to optimize security and functionality”. Among these technologies are Taproot and signatures Schnorr.With respect to the mining of Bitcoin, one speaks of the second version of Stratum. The details of Stratum V2 were published last November, revealing that the code incorporates 13 functions that increase the performance, economic savings, and the decentralization of mining.In terms of privacy the map adds the payment system called Pay-to-EndPoint (P2EP), which seeks to increase the fungibility of the criptomoneda, and reduce the chances of tracing the ownership of a criptoactivo. It also includes the proposal of Erlay, a “Relay” transaction bandwidth efficient for Bitcoin, whose primary objective is to reduce the bandwidth consumption of the nodes of Bitcoin, by cutting the expenses associated with the dissemination of transaction.

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