Mysterious User had already twice

The Bitcoin exchange rate varies, currently in the lower $8,000 of the Region. But when it comes to an anonymous analysis published in the beginning of the year, then the Bitcoin price will reach in October of $16,000.


The time is ticking for the $16,000 price target

According to an anonymous account on 4Chan should be reached in October 2019, the Bitcoin 16.000 $. The unknown source of the forecasts made in January of this year, along with other monthly rate levels in the course of the next few months.

According to the anonymous Users of Bitcoin should have in April 5.300 $ and in July 9.200 $ achieved even though the rate was in January with just under $3.000. Both of them are in advance arrived to say, so that the Community is looking forward to the course in the October views. If the User is actually the third correct rate forecast in a row?
However, the forecast goes further because Bitcoin is expected to reach in February 2020 29.000$. In the next July, the rate should be $ 56,000, which leads to a Bull-Run in November 2020 and to reach a level of 87,000 dollars. The anonymous User gave no indication of what dictated this special Bitcoin price history.

“We are currently in the last 3 months of the accumulation level”, you wrote this in another comment.
“After that we will get up slowly and stand up. And then we will bloom.“

Stock-to-Flow model: the Bitcoin price at $ 90,000 after the Halvening

Although this forecast to sound tempting, and the User was already able to retain twice right, seems to be the General market mood at the Moment quite bearish. A doubling of the rate effect first, unlikely, but who knows, Bitcoin has had for years the one or other Surprise.
The currently most famous model is the used, the Stock-to-Flow-model, that also exorbitant prices for Bitcoin promises.

“If you include the Stock-to-Flow ratio of Bitcoin in may 2020 in the model, the result is a dizzying price of about 90,000 dollars,” said researchers in a new report.

This would mean that the is not imminent halving effect is priced in the current Bitcoin price of about USD 8,000 in.
Text evidence: bitcoinis, ANJA VAN OOSTERHOUT

Cryptocurrency Market