Network of Ethereum has recovered almost 30% of your hash rate in 2020

Has recovered almost 30% of the hash rate of Ethereum so far this year. The first day of this year to 2020, the processing power is accumulated in the network was of 147.405 GH/s, while data up to date to this Thursday, June 4, reflect a hash rate of 187.369 GH/s.

The data, available on the explorer of the blockchain of Ethereum Etherscan, you throw a increased from 27,11% in the processing power so far this year, after which the values of the first day of January were at levels not seen since April of 2019.

The increase returns the power of computation in Ethereum to average levels in the that was between September and November of last year, before a significant fall in the month of December.

Despite this rise, the power accumulated in Ethereum is still far from its historical maximum, registered in August the year 2018. The landmark, corresponding to the 9 of August of that year, marked 295.911 GH/s in Ethereum.

The hash rate of Ethereum has recovered 27% since the beginning of this year. Source: Etherscan.

Among the major milestones accomplished this year by the blockchain of Ethereum, it should be pointed out that the past may 5, was mined, the block 10 million of the network, as reported Breaking News.

Also, in April, reported a record in the equivalent value in dollars of the transfers in Ethereum. This includes not only the funds in ETH, the criptomoneda native network, but the rest of assets that run on the blockchain of Ethereum, especially the stablecoins or currencies anchored.

Increases the power of the network while still doubts about Ethereum 2.0

While the operation of the network maintains its course and reaches new milestones, the developer community continues with their disagreements about the future of Ethereum. The main point of contention is the release of the next version, Ethereum 2.0.

Last may, the founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin said that the new version would see the light in the month of July. However, the own Buterin admitted then that he had been wrong to give that date.

Initially, it was expected that Ethereum 2.0 will start in January of this year, after the developers spoke about the second quarter of the year, then was to launch the network during the third quarter. Now, apparently, it is presumed that the new version, which will mark the change in the protocol of consensus Proof-of-Work (PoW) to Proof of Stake (PoS), will not come out until the year 2021.

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