Norwegian Bitcoin millionaire jumps off a balcony to the robbers ‘ escape

An attempt at an attack on a Norwegian bitcoin billionaire took over, suddenly, with a surprising weighting: the rich bitcoiner decided to have a balcony to jump off. The following month, giving the Norwegian court on the matter. That tells you 2.
The victim’s condition, according to local media, in the spotlight in Norway, and made his capital more than $11 million, due to its long presence in the cryptospace.



The man called, just in front of me. The rich man, and he was opening the door to be confronted by the barrel of a shotgun.
In the complaint, are also the words of the man referred to as, ”Go and lie down, or I’ll shoot!” There is not a single shot fired, for the unfortunate, and bitcoiner was able to escape. He jumped down from his balcony, and the state. It is unclear as to what the jump was for the damage, but it was due to this action, or a means of escape.
In the notice, the name of the victim is not known, but it’s probably going to be the owner of a computer business. 2. stresses that it was going to be a public figure, who, by his accumulated fortune to be in the spotlight was.


As a Russian crypto-vlogger, earlier this year, has been found dead at his mother’s house. It is a life in the spotlight, and the threats of the influencer has become too much.
The co-founder of the Poland Bitmarket, is also a victim of its businesses in the cryptospace. The trader was killed in a forest is found. Bitmarket has recently been closed. It’s lost hundreds of customers, in total, 2,300 of bitcoin.

The new Bitcoin News: The sales of bitcoin miners, the measures by The Dutch central Bank, as well as Chinese coffee shops.
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