Of Ethereum or Zcash: Accepts Bitcoin, the best Altcoin innovations, if you increase its value?

Great Relaunches popular Altcoin networks show: The efforts to alternative innovations have failed in their previous Form. A popular Analyst now claims that Bitcoin will adapt to such innovations, if they increase the promise of its fundamental value.
Bitcoiners and Coder Udi Wertheimer (@udiWertheimer), according to major Relaunches of existing Blockchain networks show that the efforts to improve the Bitcoin Protocol, have failed.
In a recent Tweet, Wertheimer established that the original creation of networks such as Ethereum and Zcash by the refusal of the Bitcoin developers has been triggered, to integrate potentially destabilizing Upgrades in the network.

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The Bitcoin proponent declares that there is a high risk for the promise of the leading crypto would have been a currency, to integrate the still not fully matured Smart Contracts or shielded transactions. Both are features of Ethereum or Zcash networks.
Wertheimer says that the various disasters that have experienced both networks, so far, have weakened investors ‘ confidence in Bitcoin considerably. For an asset that you would like to be a store of value, is one such instability is the opposite of progress.
The Analyst adds: The low use of the two functions indicates that the efforts of the developers were previously useless. Most investors buy and hold ETH and ZEC simple – and this means that these additional functions constitute more risk than value.
As an adaptive network, Wertheimer, will take over the Bitcoin network real innovations if they prove to be successful. In a similar manner to geopolitical events (such as a kind of global crackdown on Bitcoin) to accelerate the development of viable solutions when the needs require it.
Although Wertheimer considered the switch to Ethereum 2.0 and the Zcash-Blossom-Hard-Fork as a failure, answers some of the tweets that these Relaunches are to be expected in the case of state of the art Software.
Software engineer Christoph Burgdorf responds, for example, that it is for developers of course, is to be ashamed of “the first Version of Software”. Those who were satisfied with the quality, were started too late.

“Eth2 will be better and Eth3 will beat this again.”

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