Okex now allows you to buy Bitcoin and Ether in Argentina, Mexico and Brazil

Key facts:

OKEx use Latamex for the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies with Latin american currencies.

Users in Brazil, Argentina and Mexico will be able to buy cryptocurrencies with their local currencies.

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The users of the house exchange china OKEx will be able to exchange cryptocurrencies by argentinean pesos, brazilian reais and mexican pesos through Latamex, a product of Settle Network with whom OKEx, just to be associated with.

OKEx announced the partnership with Latamex through its website, explaining that users now could buy cryptocurrencies in the house of change using brazilian reais or argentinean pesos and mexican through a direct bank transfer.

Jay Hao, CEO of OKEx explained the importance of this new project:

Users in Latin america will now be able to buy BTC and ETH with different local currencies through bank transfers. In the future, OKEx will continue to expand the coverage of currencies fiduciary to allow for more users to buy cryptocurrencies more convenient.

Within the release OKEx explained that with the recent setbacks in economic at the global level, cryptocurrencies have come as an alternative for financial services, given that some 2,000 million people do not have bank accounts, of which Latin americans make up a large part of them. This new service OKEx will offer a financial alternative for Latin americans.

OKEx has been characterized by giving support to a variety of currencies fiduciary from all over the world, this new partnership will allow users to experience the trade of cryptocurrencies, and the processes of payment through bank transfers.

Latamex is a platform born of the alliance of Settle Network and Binance, launched at the end of last year as reported Breaking News, which allows the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies with coins trust in the Latin american market.

Particularly, Argentina has stood out because it is one of the countries of Latin america with the highest number of exchange houses of cryptocurrencies, as ArgenBTC, Gravel and more. This has shown that the country is a good area to develop these businesses. Like Mexico and Brazil which have shown a growing interest in the market of cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrency Market