Only two of the altcoins surpass bitcoin, and who are now going to work together Binance Coin and a Chainlink – Breaking News

After a light week on the cryptobeurzen, which is on the market for nearly $ 20 billion has been evaporated, it is hard to believe that there is cryptocurrency that can do it better than bitcoin. And yet, there are two cryptocurrency in 2019 and are harder to grown than bitcoin. And they are now going to work together.


The top three in 2019

On the website Cointimemachine you will find the history of the whole of the cryptocurrencymarkt, as of 2010. We only look at the first three quarters of 2019 and the top three are:

Chainlink by +730%
Binance Coin 375%
Bitcoin is 176%

The percentages show the difference between the dollar value on January 1, 2019, for now.

About Binance Coin (BNB)

BNB is the coin of the crypto-exchange Binance. The coin started out as a PAGE a-20 token on the Ethereum network and has been ever since, will eventually be migrated to the Binance Chain, that is, it is in the blockchain of the Binance. BNB is in terms of the total value, which is the seventh largest cryptocurrency. This is due to different use of the coin. Here are some examples: If you trade on Binance then you can go BNB and use to get a discount on the transfer fee. In addition, you have BNB is required if you want to participate in so-called idp internally displaced person’s, crowd-funding for new projects in Binance. The last major development for the BNB, is that BNB cannot lend over Binance, and here the rate of interest to get.
Binance Coin this year, more than 45% is worth more than bitcoin, even if the coin in last lot does have to make sacrifices. At the end of may, BNB even a 205% increase compared to a single bitcoin! And if you don’t just go to 2019 looks at it, but for a very long time, BNB is 550 percent higher in us dollars.

About the Chainlink (LINK)

Also, the LINK has a very, very strong year, even compared to bitcoin. It’s still a problem, the LINK is to the second-best performing currency in 2019. The currency notes even of 740% compared to the value of the Us dollar. Also, if you get a LINK in addition to bitcoin, it will see you good grades. The coin is in the satoshi value, with a 390% increase.
Get a short overview about some Chainlink will do: Due to security reasons, blockchains data is not loaded into the smart contracts (applicable law) from the outside of the blockchain. Because of this, the smart contract is limited to the token, and cryptocurrency. A lot of blockchainideeën of industries, such as the Final (for decentralised finance, insurance, and gaming, require, however, the information on the outside of the blockchain. Chainlink offers a distributed oracle that this information will be in safe and secure blockchains can be loaded.

Co-operation between the Binance and Chainlink

And there is a lot of demand for this, judging from the many companies out there that make use of the Chainlinks of the services. Remember, Google, Swift, Zilliqa, and now the Binance.
Binance features on Friday posted a blog about their partnership with Chainlink, where they have been since september, in a partnership with them. In the blog it says:
“Final applications Binance the use of the new options is to introduce to traders who have transactions at different points want to automate it. That may be, transactions which may be caused by a wide transactiemeldingen, hashrate fluctuations, or data wallet is to adjustments based on observable market data.”
This is particularly attractive to companies and people who trade with bots and api’s to offer and use yourself.

Cryptocurrency Market