Passport of immunity Blockchain – Breaking News

The quarantine due to the Coronavirus has caused great harm to our society. Keeping more than 2,000 million people around the world in social distancing and putting the entire planet at the edge of a global recession, such as was not seen since the crash of 1929. For this reason, Oracle and Vottun are working on a passport of immunity Blockchain, in order to revive our country.


The effects of the quarantine

There is No country in the world that has not been affected, in a greater or less extent, by the Coronavirus. Leading to the loss of thousands of human lives, as well as to the stoppage virtually all of our economies. Because, the only measures possible to combat the COVID-19, prior to the creation of a vaccine, are social distancing, and quarantine. What makes it impossible for workers to reach their jobs in the companies. Therefore, establishing a cessation of de facto productive and commercial activities. Especially in sectors that do not have the flexibility to work remote, as if the companies have Blockchain. This is already generating a lot of economic damage, especially in the most vulnerable sectors. Therefore, they are self-employed workers, and informal employment unstable, the first victims of economic pandemic. With millions of layoffs around the world, and the threat of a recession to the doors of the world economy. However, as in virtually all the sectors, the technology Blockchain could help to remedy this situation. Especially if it manages to create and implement the so-called passport of immunity Blockchain. A solution that would put the economically active population to work, in a relatively short time. Passport of immunity Blockchain could be a means to combat the Coronavirus

A passport Blockchain to combat the COVID-19

The idea of a passport of immunity Blockchain would be developed jointly by Oracle and Vottun. Two companies that seek to create a certificate protected in a chain of blocks, which can demonstrate that a person is immune to the Coronavirus. The same could be quickly verified by anyone with a phone capable of scanning a QR code. Allowing those who are not at risk for the virus, they may return to their jobs. Which would restart the economy and, they hope these companies will avoid a economic crisis is very deep. All of this would be possible thanks to the use of technology Blockchain. What would guarantee the security of citizens ‘ data within these chains of blocks. Making this idea, even if not implemented on a large scale, a demonstration of the capabilities of the Blockchain. So we decided to make this our Fact of the Day today here in CriptoTendencia.

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