PNC first american bank using RippleNet – Breaking News

In recent months we have seen Ripple as an investor, gambler and researcher with projects in the world, placing your criptomoneda XRP among the most well-known among the people. However, only the veterans of the platform will remember this title: “XRP remains the criptomoneda of the banks, to hold its position”, indicating that XRP is the currency par excellence for banking transactions, today it enhances this idea by the american bank PNC Treasury Management. By doing a brief summary, XRP is born in 2014 in parallel with its platform mother, Ripple, which had the goal of being the digital currency to financial institutions around the world, facilitating transactions between them, allowing instant changes. For this reason, the division of Ripple Labs has been responsible the past few years to develop platforms that are attractive to companies, encouraging to use your criptomoneda as a unit of exchange. Between these platforms is the one that we present today, being RippleNet, which consists in using the technology Blockchain as a medium for the transit of transactions, ensuring the security, transparency and efficiency of the same. Various financial institutions across the world have been used, however, any american bank to date, caused by the strong restrictions that are established in the region, in addition to the skepticism of the residents. However, as the title indicates, PNC is the first bank to make use of this platform, taking almost a year to implement it, given that the bank joined in September of 2018, without being able to use the platform until August of 2019. As the first bank to process these payments in real time, PNC provides commercial customers in the united States the possibility of receiving a payment from the foreign buyer against their invoices instantly, transforming the way they manage their accounts receivable global and allowing them to better manage their working capital. If the union of the PNC and RippleNet manages to be successful, there is the possibility that other banks will begin to join, increasing the scope of the same around the world, given that the use of technology Blockchain, it is not limited by territory, allowing banks and institutions to connect instantly. With this kind of achievements, can be seen as XRP and Ripple are penetrating the world of traditional finance, allowing to unify both parties in their platforms. The following two tabs change content below. I am a student of economics, interested in innovation and technological development, always faithful to that tomorrow will be a better day.


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