Pound, Binance and more in the news fast


Senators warn Mastercard, Visa and Stripe on Pound Facebook

Two Senate democrats are urging three payment processing companies to reconsider their participation in the project of cryptocurrencies Pound provided by Facebook and a coalition of other groups. Pound poses risks not only to global financial systems, but also to the business of payments most large companies, said senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio and senator Brian Schatz of Hawaii in a letter Tuesday to Visa, Mastercard, paypal and Stripe. According to the article, are pressing the three giants of payment to examine more closely the implications of regulatory Pound. The latest message from the senators says: “Facebook is currently struggling to address massive problems, such as violations of privacy, misinformation, interference in elections, discrimination and fraud, and has not demonstrated the ability to control these failures. (…) You should worry about that any weakness in the risk management systems of Facebook become weaknesses in their systems that may not be able to effectively mitigate”.

The Bank of England sets rules for the release of Pound in the Uk

The Bank of England has finalized a set of principles that the project of the criptomoneda Pound led by Facebook should take before embarking in the United Kingdom. The call to the payment network a payment system potentially “systemically important”, the Financial Policy Committee of the BoE published the report of Financial Policy and Summary of October this week. The Association of Libra and the corresponding reservation of various currencies trust that sustain the network are of paramount importance, continues to a more detailed document. The participants of the network, the exchanges that list the Pound currency and wallets are compatible with Libra will also be subject to close scrutiny.

CEO of Binance and confirms that you can buy crypto with fiat money in China

Binance yesterday launched its service negotiation P2P, but at the time did not report the inclusion of WeChat Pay, and AliPay for China. Its CEO, CZ, as confirmed on Twitter. In an announcement posted on the 9th of October, the exchange revealed that the service will initially be available for Android users that already have accounts of Binance registered for at least 30 days. Despite the ban of crypto in China, the citizens still have hunger of digital assets and the companies around the world are looking for ways to facilitate the trade for the growing population. Binance, the exchange, the world’s largest by volume, has just confirmed new forms of access through fiat money for two of the payment platforms for e-commerce and biggest social networks in China.

Swiss National bank will explore the use of the frank digital in the settlement of operations

The Swiss National Bank (SNB), in the company of the Stock exchange, SIX are studying the possibility of financial operators to use a digital currency issued by the bank to settle transactions. The entity pautó an alliance with the Stock exchange SIX and with the Center of Innovation BIS Hub to explore in more detail the properties brought about by these technologies. A statement from the subsidiary of the exchange, SIX Digital Exchange (SDX), said Wednesday that the exchange has partnered with the Swiss National Bank and the Center of the Innovation Centre of the Bank of International settlements in a proof-of-concept for the study. SIX has been noted for its financial innovation, particularly with their listings of many products traded at a stock exchange based on cryptography. Last week, the firm fintech Amun AG announced its successful listing of an ETP Bitcoin and Ether denominated in the swiss franc in the exchange. The following two tabs change content below. Venezuelan, student of the last semester of Social Communication. Attracted by the new technologies and the development that they offer to humanity.

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