Ripple CEO to dump XRP to buy secretly Bitcoin

Just yesterday, we discussed the topic of whether and how BTC of the Internet can solve. A major player in this regard, the canadian company block stream is. Their CEO, Adam Back (the inventor of the Hashcash algorithm), logged in to Twitter and criticized the Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse in terms of XRP sales.
According to the words of Adam Back Garlinghouse use the money from the ‘Dumping the XRP to buy BTC. We take a look at the Anschschuldigungen and their backgrounds.


Ripple CEO garling house as a Bitcoin Maximalist?

Adam Back, the CEO of the canadian company to block the stream, is an educated man. Back, holds a PhD in the field of computer science, inventor of the Hashcash algorithm and has been created with a block stream a for the Bitcoin Ecosystem relevant to the company.
With the current statements about the Ripple CEO garling house Back however gives the impression that it was a matter of him more as an objective & in-depth criticism. Let’s first look at what the wrote Back about garling house and what he had to criticize.

The initial situation looks as follows: Larry Cermak wrote yesterday in a Tweet as a response to a recent Interview between CNN and the Ripple CEO is Garlinghouse. In this Interview, Garlinghouse emphasized, that Ripple could not control the XRP price. Cermak, in turn, took these statements as an occasion for criticism.
He said that almost everything Garlinghouse in this Interview, that was a lie. The XRP investors would accept the statements made without further notice. Adam Back on the handle, in turn, this criticism and wrote the following Tweet:

Probably so he is Pro-BTC, and probably staked it with the premined XRP, which he throws on the market, only BTC.

In short: garling house heading to the view from the Back of the market with XRP, and Ripple created out of Nothing. Of this taken money, he will buy even BTC.

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In dubio pro reo – when In doubt, for the accused

As we can see already, delivering Bakery any evidence for his Thesis. Rather, he used it in his Tweet once the English word ‘likely’, and at other Times the word ‘probably’. If I should interpret this, I would say that the Back has, in this respect, no clue and no arguments regarding his Thesis can provide. Otherwise, wild speculation formulated:.
That Garlinghouse had said in the past that he believe in Bitcoin. He also stressed that he saw between BTC and Ripple have no competition, since both of the different niches occupied and, therefore, other target groups. From this statement derive that Garlinghouse uses XRP as a vehicle to BTC is to buy more than vague.
In this sense, the old Latin is so saying “in dubio pro reo” – if in doubt, for the accused.
What do you think about the statements of the block stream CEO Adam Back? The Ripple CEO of garlinghouse, in this respect, innocent of the suspicion is justified?
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(Image Source: Shutterstock)

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