Satoshi Nakamoto brings mysterious 50 BTC donation to GRIN the right track?

The hunt for Satoshi Nakamoto will probably never end, and that is a good thing. Because the mystery of the inventor of Bitcoin is one of the biggest wins for the project. Now a mysterious donation in the amount of 50 Bitcoins to the project’s GRIN is said to have laid a trail to the inventor. Charlie Lee, founder of Litecoin claimed this, at least, in a Telegram Chat. To tell you now that it was meant as a joke, boring. I do but still. Because what if it was Satoshi Nakamoto? Charlie Lee does not know better and the backgrounds of the mysterious donation, are really interesting and going back even to the year 2010.”The Bitcoin Standard” there is now, at last, to buy also in the German version. The book is without a doubt one of the best entry-level lectures on the topic of Bitcoin and the monetary Potential behind the digital currency. A “Must Read” of what goes in each book shelf. Here you can receive the German edition at Amazon! It will expand your horizon, definitely.Buy now!


GRIN and the mysterious donation of 50 Bitcoins

While in the Rhineland on 11.11. the carnival was celebrated, has been the developer of the MimbleWimble-based Privacy Coin GRIN is reason to rejoice. He received a mysterious donation of 50 Bitcoins to the project. The generous unknown wanted to remain anonymous and passed on the message that it was up to him, only to have the Protocol and the technology.

“Our motives are not economical! It’s about the technology and the Protocol. Please use it for the development of GRIN.“”I don’t judge you for it, how you want to spend, but only whether you process it and can distribute as you need it”.

So far, So good. But now it gets really interesting, because the address goes back to the year 2010 – only 1 year after the Start of the Bitcoin network. Here, it seems to be at least a “very early adopter”, certainly has more to offer than 50 BTC. Or was it maybe even Satoshi Nakamoto himself?This rumor fired Charlie Lee and said in the Telegram Chat with the GRIN developer, David Burkett: “Satoshi has donated to GRIN”.

The GRIN donation really came from Satoshi Nakamoto?

No, or at least it was meant as a joke, but led to the next wild chase after the Bitcoin inventor. Every track is followed, and where Charlie Lee should know that this track is the right thing to do. I place it close though, because even if the Wallet address goes back very far, it would make no sense, the GRIN, the developer has received a message. Can exclude it, however, nothing, and that makes the mystery of Satoshi Nakamoto also always exciting.

Some things we can exclude, however, Craig Wright, is not it, anyway.You’re also on the trail of Satoshi Nakamoto? Then come on in to our Telegram Chat and talk with the experts and the Community. Subscribe to our News channel to not miss any News. (Image Source: Shutterstock)

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