Security token CKD-20 committed

Speaking of technology Blockchain in many cases it is synonymous with security. And that is, the cryptographic technology that is in the core of the strings of blocks makes them impossible to alter. So it is very easy to relax with regard to the protection of our cryptocurrencies.


The security of the wallets

However, what is certain is that our criptoactivos are not automatically safe to be in a Blockchain. Since, the networks block ensure only the reliability of the database on the working of the crypto, not crypto in if. That is to say, notwithstanding the use of technology Blockchain for its operation, a criptomoneda can suffer a cyber attack. The reason for this is that, the storage of the crypto is in charge of third parties responsible for their own safety. The wallets they function as separate platforms of the Blockchain, which facilitate the storage and transactions of the criptomoneda. Thus, while wallets serve as facilitators for the operation of the Blockchain, do not count in themselves with their cryptographic protection.

The theft against Fusion Foundation

For this reason, if you do not have appropriate security and safety standards, the wallets can be the object of cyber attacks. The same would focus on breaking the barriers erected by the wallet, and not in the chain and their blocks. Thus, it is of crucial importance to choose which type of wallet you use to protect your savings in cryptocurrencies. While wallets or desktop physical provide a level of security is quite decent, the exchanges do not. If you do not choose wisely the place where we store our money, we can all be victims of cyber attacks. This would be the case of the Fusion Network, created by the Fusion Foundation, and that it would have suffered a massive theft in one of their wallets. The Fusion Network works with your own token ERC-20, FSN. The aim is to serve as a basis for traditional financial institutions begin to operate with technology Blockchain. And this day, Saturday suffered a theft of 3.5 million tokens FSN, which is equivalent to $ 3.75 million, one of their wallets. According to the foundation, in these times, the thesis that acquires greater force is that of an inner work against your safety. And is that, as indicated by the Fusion Foundation: “There is non-conclusive evidence to indicate that the theft may have been caused by personnel related to the Foundation”. This is why we chose this as our Data of the Day here in CriptoTendencia. Believe that our cryptocurrencies just by being a “crypto” are safe is a fallacy. From there I copper so much importance to the choice of a wallet that suits our needs and provide us with the security we all want. The following two tabs change content below. Student of International Studies, interested in issues of economy and international politics. Passionate about the progress of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in general and the cryptocurrencies in particular.

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