Six tips of Warren Buffett that will change your view of the world – Breaking News

Who, that knows the name Warren Buffett, do not admire? The oracle of Omaha is one of the investors more famous and successful in the world. A self-made man, became one of the richest people in the world thanks to their effort and smart business decisions. Now, 89 years, Buffett has a whole life full of experiences and lessons to share with those who wish, like him, have the ability to build the life you seek and impact the world around them. Therefore, in order to celebrate the birthday of one of the financial figures more important in the world, we bring you six tips from the oracle for you:


Invest in yourself

We started with a board that has no waste. And is that, to Warren Buffett, the best investment we can make is in ourselves, this means improving our skills, especially oral communication and verbal, is a vital element in the business. Also, invest in our physical and mental health, as the conditions in which we are to reach old age are dependent on the decisions we make today. A healthy mind and a healthy body will guarantee us a long life, and full of meaning in the long term.

Associate with people of high level

“One of the best things that you can do in your life is to surround yourself with people that are better than you are” is that, when you start to be with people with a high level, you also start to act like them, mejorándote yourself in the process. The company that you choose to account, and determines what your future is.

Marry the right person

This is for mr. Buffett, without a doubt, the most important decision that you will make in your life, so as to choose what people you associate with, when you choose the person you marry these determining many things about yourself, your future and your aspirations. “You want to associate yourself with people who are the type of person that you would like to be, because you will move in that direction. And the most important person in this regard, by much, is your wife. I can’t overstate how important that is,” he said in a conversation with Bill Gates in 2017.

Ignores distractions

The decisions you make on your investments should be the product of a cold calculation and rational, not of your emotions or the opinions of others, no matter how authoritative they are. This is why Buffett recommends that you do not pay attention to the predictions of economists, or to the moments of panic or optimism in the market, because at the end of the day would not be the first time that the same are wrong.

Works with people who deserve your respect

It may not be the work that you will have all your life, but it will be a work of which you’ll be able to get a lot in terms of experience and learning. This is why Buffett recommends that you always attempt to work with the person that you admire most, just as he did by accepting a job with his mentor, Benjamin Graham, without even worry about the salary, “I found out how much it was at the end of the month, when I received my check.”

The money does not measure your success

Buffett is one of the richest people in the world, and has even been several times to the head of this ranking, but for him the measure of success is not money and never has been. What defines whether you’ve been successful in life is to love, and above all how much you love the people who are close to you. “To receive unconditional love is the biggest benefit you can ever receive”. The following two tabs change content below. Student of International Studies, interested in issues of economy and international politics. Passionate about the progress of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in general and the cryptocurrencies in particular.

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