SmartApp launches Gb Base to support content creators

The company’s SmartApp is revolutionizing the services blockchainisés by launching Gb Basis, a new platform which showcases the work of the content providers. Apart from the integration of content on the Blockchain, the development and launch of new applications will be the feature of Gb Base.


Many features relevant

Go Basis would have the advantage of allowing the content providers to take advantage of the payments in tokens for non-fungible (NFT). In particular, it proposed regulations in a foreign currency Ethereum as well as in fiat currency, including the japanese yen and the u.s. dollar.

The content providers can also increase their visibility by issuing loyalty points redeemable for the Ether (ETH), an approach that is facilitated by the use of the Blockchain.

The payment ecosystem Go Basis is made also of another interesting feature, especially the interaction with the users through signals “push” and specific messages. Translated into several languages, the application will be understandable and adaptable to a widespread growth.

For their part, the creators of content are informed in real time about the evolution of applications in everyday life. It is for the critical technical manipulations of the newly installed and relative figures to the content market blockchainisés.

Transform the gaming industry

Although the Blockchain is involved in many sectors, the first beneficiary would be the gaming industry. For example, the deployment of the portfolio Go! Wallet by Go Database allows the appropriation of tokens by players inside the game itself.

Gb Basic supports that it provides to developers the features they need to transform the existing games on smartphone and browser titles, to make them compatible with the technology Blockchain.

If before the Go! Wallet was only on iOS devices, it is currently available on Android. The next innovations include the launch of the portfolio on a PC, with an improved interface and the accommodation of several other digital currencies.

What do you think of the launch of the platform Blockchain for content creators per Gb Basis ? Respond in the comment section below.

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