Telegram launches open competition in TON

On many occasions, those who do not have knowledge about the crypto world and the financial products that exist in the same put in the same bag to all criptoactivos, considering versions more or less successful of the Bitcoin, the first criptomoneda out on the market. Nothing could be farther from the reality. And is that, when Satoshi Nakamoto throws the light to the Bitcoin, a currency based on technology Blockchain, it did so with the goal of creating a financial product that would generate more confidence than the so-called fiat money. So, trying to create a currency independent of any central bank or finance manipulations as those which led to the outbreak of the financial crisis of 2008, and whose results inspired the initiative of Nakamoto. However, the crypto world is much bigger than the Bitcoin, and not all of the cryptocurrencies in existence trying to have the same financial impact that this currency. On the contrary, the main cryptocurrencies seek different objectives among themselves, and in many cases complementary. For example, while Ethereum was born to facilitate the creation of smart contracts or contracts smart through their chain of blocks, which has allowed the growth of your platform and the creation of innumerable decentralized applications, other currencies such as XRP attempt to serve as facilitators in the conduct of financial operations traditional using fiat money.


Blockchain of Telegram

Therefore, it is not surprising the intent of Telegram-use your own Blockchain, the Telegram Open Network (TON), and the criptomoneda associated with the same, the Gram, to allow the celebration of smart contracts. To this end, a Telegram launches a contest open to developers from around the world, for the creation of contracts intelligent within TON, with prizes that reach a total of $ 400,000 distributed among those that are able to complete challenges in three different tasks. The first of these consists in the creation of a smart contract with the tools that you would provide TON to do this. The second and third tasks would have the objective of strengthening the capabilities of the virtual machine of TON, and the competition of hunting bugs of the platform, which attempts to detect early any exploitable bug within the programming of the network. Thus, if a developer is able to hack the wallet of a Gram from another user and extract money out of it, you will be rewarded with $ 200,000. While the other $ 200,000 will be distributed among those who manage successfully the creation of smart contracts on the network of Telegram. The following two tabs change content below. Student of International Studies, interested in issues of economy and international politics. Passionate about the progress of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in general and the cryptocurrencies in particular.

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