The developer told the truth, from $8 million to dApp on Ethereum

The developers have made some critical points were found at FairWin. This is a gokapp on top of Ethereum is being built. The people at the back of the dApp, there would be millions of SIGHTS off you.


Fairwin, and Ethereum

According to Philippe Castonguay, an R&D scientist at Horizon Games, because of this, all of the funds from the dApp will be in danger. He is working on a blockchain-based gamebedrijf, and it says coming soon for all of the information online.
But that’s not all. He refers to FairWin a ‘ponzi scheme’. The structure of the game, it promises, namely to have abnormal balances for users of ETH on the platform to stop.
It is only logical that the funds from new deposits from new customers. In a pyramid scheme, participants are paid with money that is a replacement it range.
According to the SIGHTS of a Gas Station, it is FairWin has also been responsible for more than 60% of natural gas consumption in Ethereum. It a smart contract the game currently has more than $8 million to air.

The web site of the FairWin claims that there is no risk that the funds could be stolen, and that it was a smart contract by FairWin is safe and has been verified”. She noted that the complaint alleged is a pyramid scheme are unfair and misleading.

Deliberate mistakes

According to Castonguay, there is no evidence that use has been made of the (intentional) flaw in the smart contract. He indicated, however, that three of the weaknesses in the code that I saw.
First of all, the admin of the contract, it is completely leegtrekken (note: there is a $8-million in air).
Second of all, he has the right to have the opportunity to make money, stop it. Finally, it may be that he is also the new deposits are defined by them directly to the site. The analyst added that there might be some new tweaks in the code to be programmed into it.
Twitter is going to be quiet due to the dissolution of the FairWin:

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