The Foundation Zcash supports the project Cwtch

6 December 2019 by Antoine

Cwtch, the project e-mail decentralised resistant to the metadata designed by the society of canadian research, Open Privacy Research Society, has received funding to the tune of 1 044 ZEC, or a value of approximately $ 40,000, by the Foundation Zcash, the company issuing the crypto-currency that focuses on the confidentiality, Zcash (ZEC).


The technology of Zcash would be the most appropriate

Since the company Open Privacy seeks to anonymize the user payments of Cwtch , it was therefore decided to integrate to its platform in payment systems anonymous based on the technology of Zcash.
It is a prototype system based on Zec Wallet, the portfolio of crypto-currencies of the Foundation Zcash.
The company argument for this particular choice is based on the performance of Zcash in the provision of data, simultaneously to the realization of a payment. At the same time, the resistance to the metadata as advocated by Cwtch shall not be altered.
It is to be noted that this prototype is not suitable for the purchase and the sale of tokens as the payment system of Zcash has only been borrowed to establish the foundations of Cwtch.

Zcash would be the incarnation of anonymity

The adoption of the technology Zcash by Cwtch once again confirms the reputation of the latter in terms of security and anonymity.
Using an iteration special evidence of zero knowledge, referred to as Zero-Knowledge (zk-SNARKs), the transaction native of Zcash are fully encrypted while remaining totally verifiable.
Vitalik Buterin, founder of Ethereum, has even applauded the performance of this iteration by noting that zk-SNARK is a model very appreciated in terms of security and anonymity.
In mid-November, an industry expert has argued that the Bitcoin was supposed to introduce the features of anonymity-like those provided by Zcash or Monero, in order to pacify dissents against it.
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