The most outstanding news of Huobi Token today

Continuing with our series of news highlights, we proceed with a that is little known to this side of the world. With this idea we mean that it is not so used in the eastern side, so we have to make a trip to the west. We are talking about a coin named for the platform that I think, being Huobi. To get to know the character in addition to move to your place of work and origin, we must travel back in time to see his birth. The history of Huobi is similar to the cases of success of the small businesses that were able to be overcome. This can be asserted because the company was born from the vision of Leon Li. It should be noted that he was an engineering student at the university, while working part-time in Oracle. Originally it was located in the China-based operations, receiving donations, investments and customers first in their home country and then across Asia. His customers were people like us, because Huobi is an exchange, which uses Huobi Tokens to work. Li had the vision that the cryptocurrencies are going to change the world, by which I wanted to be part of this movement. However, he complicates the situation when in 2017 the chinese government decides to prohibit in its entirety the cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, that trade ceased. To address this issue, they jumped from South Korea to Japan, then to Singapore, and recently tried to go to Hong Kong, only by geopolitical issues is a plan to a standstill.


Current situation of Huobi Token (HT)

Once we know its history, we proceed to study it under the magnifying glass of our tool Crypto Online, which allows us to see the prices at real time. First pointing out that their token, HT, is located in the number 14, being reasonable when you remember that Huobi is the exchange largest in Asia. Continuing on, we can see that it has a value of $3,18, presenting a positive variation of 4,97%; it is important to remember the recent drop of the prices. Finally, the study of the past seven days, there was a downtrend before the fall of the 24th of this month, but now has a slight curvature upward. Ending, among the most outstanding news of the criptomoneda is an own project of launching a smart phone, which is compatible with the technology of Blockchain and the cryptocurrencies. Highlighting that you can only acquire through the platform and using the HT. Once again we invite you to comment your opinion or experiences with Huobi, particularly if you have managed to have a contact with the same. Their value lies, that is strange to follow someone who speaks Spanish that has been able to use it. The following two tabs change content below. I am a student of economics, interested in innovation and technological development, always faithful to that tomorrow will be a better day.

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