The price of BTC starts the week at US$ 7000

Only 3 weeks from the halving of Bitcoin, the price of BTC stays stable at around US$ 7,000. Now that value investors remain comfortable. What will follow this trend in the short and medium term? Graphical day-to-day price of the BTC Side List by way of a Roller Coaster since Friday, including the weekend… that we, in a boldness of prediction, we said that the sabbath would be bearish and Sunday bullish and almost upside down; but I said, Side with a certain inclination upward in the past three days has been the behavior of the price of the Bitcoin. Anything that makes history and that you’d know it from the anticipation of the last article: “Supports the possibility Bullish but with slight exhaustion for the next few hours: +70% | -30%,” And today… we appreciate a potential downs, which can already be seen in the chart (5 days) of above. But before tell you the good part of this matter, that The price of BTC starts the week above 7000 dollars …and maybe it’s difficult to lose the barrier of 7K. Let us see, then, carefully…


Trend in the price of BTC in the short term

Analysis of the price of BTC in the short term we note that recently, perhaps a couple of hours (about 11am. Spanish or 9 am GMT) the brown line has been cut below = Bearish for the Short Term. Our Indicator CryptoTrend in INTRADAY: Supported the possibility Bearish for the next few hours: +40% | -60% … And not descartaríamos a Rise near the time of the Closing of Wall Street.

Trend in the price of BTC in the medium term

Analysis of the price of the BTC in the medium term Two days ago that changed the trend to Bullish, on Saturday, for the Medium-Term (brown line above and such which continues) but very stuck, and very soon to throw the bells to the flight, will have to wait until tomorrow to confirm. But it is a good news the price of Bitcoin.

Trend in the price of the BTC long-term

Analysis of the price of BTC in the long term the Trend has Been Bearish for the Long-Term (open the two lines, with the brown underneath). I did not appreciate significant changes. If you cross the brown line above … It would become a BULLISH trend, and the goal of what we might estimate to 10,000 (minimum) of the BTCUSD.

Conclusion and Possible Trading Strategy

Change of trend in the Short Term (Intraday) to BEARISH, which will strike the $ 7,000 to the BTCUSD, such as it is doing in these moments … Testeándolos.The Middle Term has changed to Bullish on the Saturday and that gives us the good news: since the trend of the Short-Term does not go far beyond under to lose, momentarily, the 7k. That is if you did not change the tendency of the Medium-Term, as it would fall with much greater force. Of change, it would be within hours or since morning would come out of doubts … should Not affect the day-to-Day.Both for Intraday as well as for the Medium and Long Term: to open Shorts on every rise, if any, by the volatility, and not to rush a lot of the profit … Always has these if we allow the Spread of our Broker.

Scenario overview / Market Timing (Long-Term)

We will be cautious for long-term investment based on HOLD (buy and hope).If you were to change the Medium-Term trend to Bearish, we would be going to for the 5k. Don’t miss tomorrow my report to know how to follow the trend of the price of the BTC. The author reserves the to reveal what a material of charts and indicators used. Just warn you that using Moving Averages: although it may not be based on the instrument of the Bitcoin, though it did serve to predict the trend of this. I invite you to read my comment of ‘The Market’ in general (Forex, Stock) for now and in the medium term in You can also follow automated analysis (Real-Time) of cryptocurrencies HERE. The information of this content should be taken only for educational purposes, not claiming under any point of view to encourage the purchase / sale of financial instruments.

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