The rising U.S. government debt is a ticking time bomb that can only be solved Bitcoin

The US economy grew in the third quarter of 2019, which is 2.1 percent, compared with an expected Rate of 1.9 percent. However, a Problem, which nobody is talking about is behind the growth: the rising national debt. Bitcoin is the solution, as many believe?
How the crypto-currency researchers to The Moon (@themooncarl) revealed on Twitter, like the American economy is strong – its debt rose. Data from the “U.S. National Debt Clock” showing that the national debt is currently at a stunning 23.116 trillion dollars.
The Trump Administration was overly fixated on that, to let the American economy grow. You obviously had no concerns to drive the country in additional debt in order to achieve this goal.

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Currency manipulation is to blame

So What can you do about it? How can Bitcoin fix this? Bitcoin, a currency that was created to help people and countries to the financial crisis of 2008 is not repeated?
It is important to understand the main reason why the world economy is in such a mess: the currency manipulation. Several countries have tried to print additional cash to stimulate wealth and growth, and to reduce the value of their currency. Others have devalued their currencies fully with the same goal.
The devaluation contributes to a better commercial situation, but currencies, the purchasing power of the Fiat-and leads to a reduction in real wages.

Bitcoin as a solution to economic crises

Bitcoin is Essentially a refuge against monetary indiscipline. Although it is values, together with alternative assets such as Gold, but its limited supply and its resistance to manipulation, giving the upper hand to him.
In short: Bitcoin is due to offer better than Gold. Each year, around 3,300 tonnes of Gold are produced – about 200 billion dollars, which must be received by the buyers. Bitcoin has a limited supply, and the number of issued Bitcoins is reduced every four years.
This reduction is carried out by an event called the halve – and you, in turn, in the short term, the main reason why the Bitcoin price to a bullish run is aligned.

Cryptocurrency Market