These are the main exchanges of the month

The life of the cryptocurrencies is the market. When Satoshi Nakamoto launched Bitcoin in 2009, its main aim was to liberate the monetary policy of the manipulations of government. What it means to let the forces of the free market acting in each exchange of cryptocurrencies. And today, we tell you what have been the main exchanges in the last month.


1 – BKEX

Surprisingly, the crown of this month, will not be carried Binance, probably the exchange the world’s most famous. But the main market for the exchange of cryptocurrencies today would be BKEX. This exchange of chinese origin, was founded in 2018, and is legally registered in the British Virgin Islands. Passing through its platform a volume of exchanges by value of 31.775.965.836 dollars in the last 30 days. And being able to transarse in BKEX up to 80 cryptocurrencies different.

2 – Binance

Binance, it probably makes the exchange more well-known in the western world. Both for their achievements, such as the launch of a platform for the realization of operations with the future of Bitcoin. As for their polemics, among them the battle against Bitcoin SV. However, the exchange of chinese origin was launched in the year 2017, it is not the main platform of exchanges of the month. Binance is legally registered in Malta. And it allows transactions with 556 cryptocurrencies today, which represents a volume of exchanges on a monthly basis by value 31.775.965.836 dollars.

3 – MXC

The domain of the exchanges of chinese domain is maintained in the third position with MXC. This platform would be legally registered in Singapore, and is not very well known in the western world. As, has its base of users in the asian world. Currently, you can negotiate through the MXC 171 cryptocurrencies different. What would represent a volume of exchanges in the last 30 days worth of 26.816.853.320 dollars. A figure which, as we will see, puts the scope of the advance of the fourth and fifth place of this list.

4 – Fatbtc

Another important exchange, also little known in the west, it is Fatbtc. The same, as you can guess, has its origin in China, although it is currently registered in Belize. Through Fatbtc can settle 126 cryptocurrencies, having a volume of exchanges of 26.297.948.320 dollars.

5 – Coineal

Closing the list we have an exchange booked in the Seychelles, but founded by a joint team from China and South Korea. Coineal allows transactions in 63 cryptocurrencies different. And keep your uphill route, this exchange could soon occupy the fourth position of the ranking. Therefore, in these moments through their platform are traded 26.097.535.291 dollars. Just a little more than $ 200 million below Fatbtc, a figure quite low in the crypto market.


If any conclusion can we draw from this ranking, it is undoubtedly the imposing rise of the cryptocurrencies in the asian world. The five exchanges of our list have their origin in Asia, and even more so, in China, it is not a coincidence. And it is an element that we must consider in the western world if we want to fully understand how they work in the crypto market. The following two tabs change content below. Student of International Studies, interested in issues of economy and international politics. Passionate about the progress of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in general and the cryptocurrencies in particular.

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