“This is the most powerful form of advertising for BTC

Several Lebanese banks, ditches, earlier this month, with their doors due to the unrest in the country. The Lebanese are taking to the streets to protest against the current government.
It’s been over a week since the doors are closed. Reportedly, it is still possible to get some atm cash withdrawals.
In a world where more and more of the money is digitally transmitted and stored, it is important for you to have money to be able to as of a bank, the doors are closed. However, it is nigh on impossible if you want to make use of the traditional currencies that are issued in countries.



That is where bitcoin (BTC) to get in. In cryptotwitter began with a discussion of the application of BTC in these types of situations. The money is in a bank, it is only you and the bank is saying that it is not (just) don’t.
If you have some or all of your wealth into bitcoin, you can keep part of your money. If you save it, of course.
Compared to Reuters, shows the head of the reserve Bank of Beirut, Salim Sfeir, you will know that in this situation, however, as it may take a while): ”If the peace has returned, we are confident that we can provide our customers once again be able to help you.” Sfeir must say that, even if the fork is actually different in the stalk.


Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a Lebanese-American former driveantehandelaar, a scientist and a writer. Via Twitter, he responds to the events in Ukraine. According to Taleb, you’ll never have to rely on the banks when they most need it.
This is a perfect example of why bitcoin is needed. Because if you don’t normally think about where you spend your money, save it, then if you do that, however, if you don’t like even more if possible.
That means (most likely) not be that people are now flocking to the local bitcoinboer running to get all of the money that they will be able to get you to invest in BTC. However, it has been a wake-up call for anyone who thinks that the money is in the bank we have really belongs to you.
There is someone else who controls when you can. Bitcoin doesn’t have that problem. In this kind of situations are sad, but the the advertising of of BTC.

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