TRON (TRX): Price Surges as TRON Switches to TRX Public Blockchain

SACRAMENTO, Caflif.– TRON (TRX) has made announcements concerning the recent trend in crypto movement wherein tokens are dropping ties with ERC20 and are instead settling on their own created blockchains. Justin Sun, the founder and CEO of TRON, has announced that testing has already commenced since April 7 for new and improved implementations to be formalized. The testing was conducted in Singapore and marked the beginning for a potential increase in market share and market value for TRON.

Justin Sun’s announcement on Twitter involved how changes should be automated for ERC20 token holders should they save their tokens through cryptocurrency exchanges. The TRON developers will oversee all work necessary to be completed, and users will simply have to wait for the enhancements to improve the company’s current share in the market.

The change from ERC20 is a welcome development as ERC20 is known to put restrictions on the many useful functions of digital assets.

The announcement was already posted on TRON’s website, with the 21st of June, 2018, being the exact date of the migration. Needless to say, TRON (TRX) transactions will be put on hold from the 22nd of June to the 23rd. Transactions with ERC20 will cease from the 24th of June onward, and instead, TRX transactions will be made on TRON’s public blockchain.

TRON could not have asked for a better start since the announcement of the migration. Fifty out of the 126 nodes have gone online in the USA within 3 days, and the GitHub code depository revealed their test net becoming one of the most active. This is an excellent start and also indicates a very positive outlook for the future of TRON. With TRON-based products on the verge of design and production, TRON’s value will certainly continue to rise.

The price of TRON (TRX) has been consistently improving over the past few days and has even risen above the $0.400 level. TRX/USD has risen up to more than 5 percent on Monday. The gains registered with an upside over $0.0389, and selling pressure has improved slightly at $0.0410. Upside, however, never reached above $0.0450.

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