Twitter’s CEO donates $ 5 million for a universal basic income, a chance for bitcoin?

Twitter founder Jack Dorsey announced a $ 5 million donation to the Council as a Forward. This is a non-profit organization that is fighting for the issue of a universal basic income in the usa. The organization was launched by the former presidential candidate and Andrew Yang. According to some, it may be cryptocurrency of an important role to play in the universal basic income in the usa.


$ 250 for each and every American is in trouble

Dorsey announced that it is planning to be on the podcast, and Yang, Yang, and Speaks, on the 21st of may. It was the future of technology will be discussed. Twitter’s CEO, told Yang that the universal basic income, “long time coming”. He goes on:

The only way in which we, the policy change is due to the experiments, and case studies to see how this works out.

Yang says in a news release that the Council Forward, Dorsey’s donation to $250 in cash to distribute to the thousands of people who have financial difficulties experienced during the current crisis in the United States of america. For example, the loss of their jobs, and not being able to pay the bills.

Distribution of basic income in via the normal way is going to be difficult

The roll-out of a universal basic income, it seemed to be somewhat in the long run. However, by the outbreak of the corona virus, the government had to act quickly. A lot of Americans have had or will get a one time check of $ 1,200, given by the U.s. government to help businesses and individuals to help them.
For many Americans, the money was in april, and their bank accounts credited, as are others in the US and abroad, and their checks only saw it coming the beginning of march. As many as four million people will soon be using the post office pre-paid debit card to receive.
Nevertheless, there are a lot of problems with the current way of doing things, because Americans are reporting that they can see the status of their payment is to not be able to confirm it on the IRS web site, or simply does not receive.

Can cryptocurrency help.

Who knows, that is the distribution of the basic amount easier to go through the cryptocurrency. Yang has been at the supreme court and proved that he is an advocate of crypto and the blockchain. It would, therefore, think that it is a universal basic income will be distributed cryptocurrency.
However, there are other groups that do this. A Non-profit organization of the Hedge for Humanity, the team behind the cryptomunt Old, works in the form of a universal basic income in via the blockchain. Each of the assets that can be used in order to reach out to as a benefit in kind. Think of the cash, but in shares, and cryptocurrency.
Right now, cryptocurrency is a way to provide at the time of this coronacrisis. We will keep track of the developments in the upcoming weeks!

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