U.s. air force will use Blockchain; company behind Zcash gets lost; and more – Breaking News


U.s. Air force will use Blockchain

Increasingly, governments around the world are interested in the capabilities that can give them the new technology product of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, especially the technology Blockchain. This is especially true in the military sector, which, by its very nature, requires constant updating to be able to meet the needs of national defense, and this is something that seems to understand perfectly the Air Force of the united States. And that is, this branch of the Armed Forces u.s. signed this week two contracts, one with the startup dedicated to the development of contracts intelligent, Simba Chain, and another with the firm focused on the management of data in the Blockchain, Constellation, with the aim of achieving a greater efficiency in the administration of data, and ensure the supply chain through technologies such as 3D printing.

Company behind Zcash reveals losses in the first quarter of 2019

The Electric Coin Company (ECC) is the company behind the development of the criptomoneda Zcash, and has released its traditional report of transparency in the third quarter of 2019, showing red numbers in the first quarter of the year. In the same, the costs of ECC averaged a total of 635,000 us dollars, while its revenues were 449.000 dollars, a deficit of around 30%, being the main source of income of the ECC-a part of all the Zcash mined are transferred to the company on the concept of “reward for the founders” and that it reaches 20% of the total mined. With the aim of addressing the financial losses, The Electric Coin Company plans to make cuts in areas that are not vital, such as public relations and brand protection.

Official of the UN considers that cryptocurrencies make it difficult to combat the trafficking of children

The debate about the use of the cryptocurrencies for illegal purposes has existed since the creation of the same. Therefore, when projects typically focused on user privacy, the authorities all over the world to see them as a means used by criminals to conduct transactions. Although on other occasions the transparency of the cryptocurrencies have allowed the authorities to catch wanted criminals, despite the cryptography present in your programming, it does not prevent that official governments and organizations testifying against the crypto. This time has been Neil Walsh, the head of the arm of the United Nations against money laundering and cybercrime, who says that the privacy offered by the cryptocurrencies adds additional challenges to researchers behind criminals. “In the past, when we paid attention to some threats really great as children being abused online, which had to be paid with cryptocurrencies, it was exceptionally difficult for researchers to track down and neutralize these threats,” said Walsh.

Proposed reform in Kyrgyzstan for taxar mining cryptocurrencies

The regulation of economic life is one of the main tasks of any government. Therefore, little by little, as States learn how the technology works Blockchain and the innovations that spring from it, are implementing measures to regulate and taxarla. For this reason, the Minister of Economy of Kyrgyzstan, has sent a draft reform to the Tax Code of the asian country, with the aim of starting to collect taxes on the activities of mining carried out in the country. According to sources in the country, the ministry would have been considering two ways of taxar mining, whether it be collecting taxes on income generated by the activity, or applying fees on the costs incurred during mining. It is expected that it is reform increase in 4 million dollars the income of the government. The following two tabs change content below. Student of International Studies, interested in issues of economy and international politics. Passionate about the progress of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in general and the cryptocurrencies in particular.

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