UNICEF is accepting donations in bitcoin and ether, will also be out in the cryptocurrency – Breaking News

The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, known as UNICEF, has cryptofonds has been launched. It allows them to payments in bitcoin and ether, to receive, keep and send to us. The purpose of the fund is an open-source technology projects to donate to.
These projects must be of benefit to children all over the world.


Donations can be in the cryptocurrency to be donated and distributed to the

UNICEF has shared this yesterday on their website. They said that they are all computer donations will be in the same cryptovaluta out. The coins are never converted into fiat.
The first donation has already been received for the Ethereum Foundation.
That is the first donation that will be divided among three parties: Prescrypto, Atix Labs, as well as Utopixar. These companies are focused on the “medicijnenrecepten, and the matching of investors with those who need financing, gemeenschapstokens, and commitment.”

One-hundred-ether is of the Ethereum Foundation

Aya Miyaguchi, of the Ethereum Foundation, said it’s Not the event that is one hundred and air, UNICEF has been sent. That is about 16.400 euro.
“This is a new and exciting venture for the good cause,” says Henrietta Fore of the CAMPAIGN. “As digital economies and currencies, have the potential to change the lives of generations to come, and it is very important that we get the opportunities they offer to explore. ”
“In partnership with UNICEF, we will take action with the crypto-fund is to provide access to the fundamental needs and rights and the means to improve it,” said Miyaguchi.

UNICEF is a pioneer

This is not the first time that UNICEF is doing with the blockchain, and crypto. Earlier this year, said that the organization of the government of the kyrgyz republic. The two parties would like to blockchain to use in order to access to the internet, to be done to improve the schools in the country. Here is the Project’s Connectivity to boot.
In december 2018, with said UNICEF is that they have $ 100,000 to invest in a six-blockchain startups. These start-ups have had to deal with the global challenges we face and the solution in the technology of the blockchain. Think of it as more transparency in the health sector, the management of the finances, and the streamlining of the supply chain.
Last year, we informed you about the mining of a cryptocurrency by your web browser. The geminede of coins will be through the web site of the Unicef in Australia are directly donated to.

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