USD 2 million for the commission mysterious are distributed to miners Ethermine

Key facts:

The group waited claim of the owner four days prior to deciding to distribute them.

Submitted a new case in the future, the pool will distribute the incentives without waiting times.

The mining group Ethermine decided today to Monday 15 of June to distribute among your miners of Ethereum the mysterious commission by $ 2.3 million in ethers registered last Thursday. That day a user or entity, even without identifying, sent 350 ETH paying the unusual fare.

Considering that it could be a mistake, and after waiting four days for a message from the sender of the transaction, the group proceeded to share the incentives. Through his Twitter account, Bitfly, the company behind Ethermine, indicated that the time of waiting was enough and that, in the event of a new situation of this type in the future, will distribute the rewards without waiting times.

“As the sender of the transaction is not communicated with us after 4 days, we made the final decision to distribute the commission of the transaction to the miners of our pool,” said Bitfly.

An important fact to note is that in the network Ethereum is mined, on average, about 6,500 blocks each day, which produces around 14,000 ETH in incentives.

In Ethereum is mined around 6,500 blocks each day, which generates a reward of about 14,000 ETH. Source:

If you take into account that Ethermine has 21% of the network, i.e., which mine, some 3,000 blocks a day, then the reward total for that commission (10.668 ETH) accounts for more than three days of mining on the pool.

The decision of the company is taken because of the amount involved and that there was a sufficient time for the shipper to establish contact. Bitfly revealed that several people contacted them saying that they were the authors of the operation, however, none was able to present a valid signature from the shipping address.

The original amount of the commission, the day-Thursday, was $ 2.6 million, however, in response to a slump in the price of ether, the incentive to deal was about 2.385.000 dollars. The criptomoneda is quoted, at the time of publishing this article, in 223 dollars, according to the index of markets Breaking News. Last week its stock was around $ 240.

Breaking News reported from the Wednesday, June 10, the appearance of mysterious transactions in the network Ethereum in which they were paid million-dollar commissions. The first occurred on that day with a fee of 10.666 ETH to mobilize only 0,55 ETH (USD 130). In that case the group that mined the block was Spark Pool, where it was reported that they were waiting for the appearance of the sender, as they suspected that could be a mistake.

The second was the one that involved Ethermine with a commission of 10.668 ETH to transfer 350 ETH. A third operation with unusual features was recorded last Friday, which were transferred 3.221 ETH with a rate of 2.310 ETH.

The case of the commissions millionaire took an unexpected twist on Friday June 12, after a research firm blockchain indicate that the transactions would be related to a case of extortion. The new hypothesis says that a group of hackers would have obtained part of the private key of an escrow service, portfolio or exchange house. However, not being able to withdraw funds to their own address, the pirates would be sending the funds to address the same entity, but with high commissions as a type of blackmail.

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