What are the 3 types of users Bitcoin?

We can say without exaggeration, that the crypto market is the basis on which stand the cryptocurrencies. Without the existence of the same, the cryptocurrencies would have no meaning. Or as virtual money, financial products, or even as a technological instrument for the use of the technology Blockchain. And the basis of this market, are its users. So. Jimmy Song says what are the 3 types of users Bitcoin.


First type: the users “Old Gangsta”

This is the first type of users, known as “Old Gangsta”. This would, according to the explanation of Jimmy Song in their tweet, a user type more concentrated in the capabilities of Bitcoin. Especially in the security and privacy. Are those who would not conduct trading for profit.

Users Old Gangsta would be for Jimmy Song, “old school” of Bitcoin. Those do hodling with the criptomoneda, they take care of the security of their savings in BTC, and they are confident that the technical capabilities of the same will allow that to continue to increase its value and utility in the time. So that would not be in Bitcoin for the trading and the quick profits, but for the value of the cryptocurrencies in itself.

Second type: The traders

The user trader would be the second type of user that mentions Jimmy Song. They “care deeply about liquidity, they want a lot of leverage, and operate with whatever“. This would be precisely the type of investor who enters the crypto market not by the technical capabilities of Bitcoin, but thinking of investing in the crypto market to make a profit.

Traders are one of the 3 types of users to Bitcoin that exist

The traders would look to Bitcoin as a financial asset more with which to operate, similar to as you see in a forex market. Therefore, do not have the same type of involvement with the coin and the community that if users have OG. That does not mean that are not part of the crypto world, but that their work within the same focuses more on operating in the market, defining prices and costs of the crypto assets.

Third type: The noob

Finally, the last type of user that mentions Jimmy Song in his tweet are the noob or novice. This type of users, would be those that “buy just a little bit of #TBT for coverage. Become OG eventually“. And this is probably the type of user most interesting of those listed by Song.

And is that, in an era in which the knowledge about the advantages of Bitcoin and the technology Blockchain, start massive in the whole world. It is likely that we will start to see more and more new users into the crypto world.

Which although begin buying small amounts of Bitcoin, with the passage of time will be able to be fully involved in the crypto community, making it grow.

What is reinforced by news such as the massive purchase of Bitcoin by the investment firm Grayscale. Demonstrating the growing interest in broad sectors of society about the Bitcoin.

What, in short, will grow still more in the crypto world, increasing the influence of Bitcoin and other crypto assets at the global level. And creating an ever closer community full of traders and OG to make the same progress.

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