What Confiarías in a weapon with Artificial Intelligence? AI in war

On several occasions we have exposed on this technology that is leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution, with its first appearance in the movies. We refer to Artificial Intelligence, with its platforms AI-based machine learning and its derivatives. However, like every technology, are looking for its applications in the military area. This situation causes the debate of… what confiarías into a weapon directed by IA?



To understand this debate, we should observe the cases that are using AI for the military: In July of 2017, China has articulated its strategy for the AI, declaring that “the major developed countries of the world are taking the development of the IA as an important strategy to improve national competitiveness and to protect national security”. And a few months later, Vladimir Putin of Russia said: “Whoever becomes the leader in the field (the IA) will become the ruler of the world”. Earlier this year, the united States announced a grand strategy to exploit the AI in many areas of the armed forces, including intelligence analysis, decision making, the autonomy of the vehicle, the logistics and armaments. The proposed budget for the Department of Defense of $ 718 billion for 2020 allocates $ 927 million for these areas. The existing projects include the fairly mundane (to test if the AI can predict when the tanks and trucks need maintenance), as well as things in the forefront of the technology of weapons (swarms of drones).


However, the actions of these world powers has generated noise within the community. In particular, the emphasis is on the errors that may have platforms of IA. The magazine of the MIT said the following in this regard: “The ambition to build weapons more intelligent-and deadly-is understandable, but an enemy that knows how to work an algorithm AI could disable it or even turn it against its owners. The secret to win the wars of the AI may not be make the weapons more impressive but in mastering the disturbing betrayal of the software”. Even one of the most optimistic on the subject in the Pentagon are displayed dubious about the idea of using AI. Is Michael Kanaan whom we refer. Six years ago, as an intelligence officer in the Air Force in Afghanistan, was a pioneer in the use of AI. Kanaan was responsible for deploying a new type of tool for the collection of intelligence: a generator of hyperspectral imaging. The instrument could detect objects that are normally hidden from view, such as tanks covered in camouflage. Kanaan said that the system helped american troops to remove thousands of explosives on the battlefield. Even so, it was often not practical for the analysts to process the vast amount of data collected by the image generator. “We spend too much time looking at the data and we don’t take enough time to make decisions,” he says. “He sometimes took so long that you wondered if you could have saved more lives.”


To end the article, we invite you to leave in the comments if you both trusted in an Artificial Intelligence you handle a weapon. The following two tabs change content below. I am a student of economics, interested in innovation and technological development, always faithful to that tomorrow will be a better day.

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