What do you think about Christine Lagarde about the Bitcoin? – Breaking News

When we think of successful women, come to our head, the names of great female characters, an example of the empowerment and the breaking of prejudices of machismo in our societies, who have reached high positions of prestige and have become a model for thousands of people all over the world. Among these women of success, Christine Lagarde occupies a special place. Attorney French degree at the University of Paris X Nanterre with a master’s degree in Political Science from the Institute of Political Studies of Aix-en-provence, he served as President of the International Monetary Fund since 2011 until this year, when he resigned to assume the presidency of the European Central Bank. And being one of the main figures of the global economy, has an opinion about the cryptocurrencies, and more particularly on the first of the virtual currency, the Bitcoin, which is of particular importance now to assume a position as important as it is the President of the ECB. Lagarde, is recognized within the criptocomunidad as one of the economists traditional, more user-friendly towards the cryptocurrencies, therefore, been repeated on several occasions since 2017, the same should be taken seriously, as well as the effects it may have on the real economy. The last of the statements of Lagarde on the subject were given to CNBC in April of this year, when he said: “I think that the role of the disruptors and anything that is using technology to accounting distributed, to call crypto, assets, coins, or whatever (…) is clearly shaking up the system (…) we don’t want to shake the system that we might lose the stability that is required”. However, this is not a position, crypto skeptical as held by the former President of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, a declared enemy of the cryptocurrencies. On the contrary, Lagarde believes that this type of assets have a place in the modern economy, but that to fulfill its function, and to generate confidence in the consumers, should be kept transparent and auditable by the regulatory authorities. These views were expressed in the framework of a panel discussion during the spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund in Washington, and they coincide with the so-called made on previous occasions by the own Lagarde, for the central banks of different countries to examine the feasibility of creating their own digital currencies, taking advantage of the technology behind the cryptocurrencies, but including them in the framework of the traditional economy, more than subvirtiéndola. The following two tabs change content below. Student of International Studies, interested in issues of economy and international politics. Passionate about the progress of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in general and the cryptocurrencies in particular.


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