What they are selling cat for hare with AI and Blockchain?

On several occasions we have stated in a positive way about the platforms that use Artificial Intelligence or Blockchain as a base. Dealing with issues of how they have created apps to help in the daily life of anyone. However, there exists an opinion that these events are what is known as “bait-and-switch”.


“Pure hype”

This debate are addressing the people that are identified in the computer science, expressing itself by means such as HackerNews. These are forums for discussion of technology issues, but focused on the technical field. His struggle lies with the companies, particularly the marketing, are sold the platforms of IA and Blockchain as if “solve all problems”. In this sense, are concerned that these technologies have particular functions and defined by its technical composition. So, try to apply them in other tasks, they are only a waste of time, implying that also wastes resources. Used as evidence many examples: Beginning with AI, the people of computing purists believe that using AI to perform tasks such as managing a database of data is useless. Considering that there are algorithms that use less resources and make the task faster. With respect to Blockchain, the example is similar, suggesting that use is technology that was created by Satoshi in tasks such as storing the data of a clinic, or a university is to complicate a task so simple as a good base of data. Particularly with Blockchain criticize the companies that create chains of blocks “centralized”, being those that do not can mine. Pose that this does not follow the ideal of Satoshi decentralize the world, claiming that the anonymous personage insurance is computista. Considering these reasons, we argue that companies are using the hype, the emotion of the moment, to sell utopian ideas of AI and Blockchain. Reflecting in this way they are selling cat for hare to the users. Finally, your strongest argument is that by now there are more projects in alpha or beta that some service or product actually operating.

The winter is approaching

Your annoyance and anger is based on what is referred to as “invest IA & Blockchain”, making reference to the hype at some point it will end. This would cause sites academic research, as institutes or universities, would no longer receive funds to continue their work. So you now know the position of the experts in the technical part of what we have exposed on various occasions, we want to ask the question. Do you consider that the platforms of IA & Blockchain are fulfilling what they promise? The following two tabs change content below. I am a student of economics, interested in innovation and technological development, always faithful to that tomorrow will be a better day.

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