Wow! Someone and a half of ether in a 2.6-million-dollar fees

Wow! Today, anyone with 2.6 million dollars in fees paid for the shipping of $ 130 to ethereum. This is a benefit of two million percent! And the most anyone ever paid for an ethereum transaction with that. Check out the suspicious activity out here.


Half of the ether, for a 2.6-million-dollar

Someone has to be sent by 0.55 Ethereum for that Bithumb was provided with a 10.668-ethers of transaction costs incurred. That’s not a spelling mistake, a person has millions and millions of dollars paid out to have a ethereumtransactie. The transaction has been accounted for by miningpool Sparkpool, one of the largest Ethereum miningpools.

Sparkpool, the transaction is also considered to be: “We are investigating an incident of this unusually high compensation to you, and you are welcome to present evidence and to send it to (email protected) Sparkpool has experience with these issues to deal with. Eventually, there will be a solution.”

Very little is known about the person that the transaction has been sent and who has such a high price to pay. The only thing we do know is that the person’s earlier, computer programs are transmitted to the Bithumb, but that is all.

Why the cost of the transaction so much?

Ethereum users will have complete control over their transaction costs. They will be able to choose how much they want to pay for a transaction in a block that is to be included. The more they pay, the greater the likelihood that their transactions are quickly processed. However, there is no reason to have more than a few dollars in to pay for it.

However, there are a few possible reasons as to why someone as much as you pay. For example, it may be that the person was going to be a 2.6-million-dollar SIGHTS to send out a $ 100 transaction, but, by accident, two of the fields have changed.

But there is something strange going on. The person in question has paid a 500-million-Gwei on gas costs (transaction costs in relation to the Ethereum network). Alex Svanevik, is a founder of the data analysis, DAO, D5). In an interview with The, he tells us the following:

“In view of the distribution of the prices offered by these purses have been adopted in each and every outgoing transaction will have a year from the 60’s gwei except for this one), I would have to say that this is one or the other of the manual operation, would have been a different programmatically controlled, wallets and purses.”

That was Alex’s Manuskin, he posted this tweet:

What could be the problem? On Twitter, it is speculated that the money wants to launder that way. If that is the case, then it is in a very public way for money laundering purposes. To be continued!

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