you could win a Trezor hardware wallet, or a bitcoin t-shirt.

By The Editorial BoardA 1-minute geleden25 september 2019

Bitcoin Magazine EN celebrate! Over the past week, we have a nice milestone to achieve. Our Facebook page is the great number of 2000 followers, and in our Telegram group chat that we were in the 1000 cryptofanaat as a result. This is why it’s time for a party.


Giveaway: Trezor and a bitcoin t-shirt

As soon as we’re also on Instagram, 1000 followers, get, give up, we have two prizes by means of a give-away. As a thank you for all your support, we have two gifts ready:
Grand prize: Trezor worth the 59 euros (brand-new, unused, and in original packaging)
Second prize: a T-shirt with a unique astronauts into bitcoin print is now available in our shop)

What do you do about it? Sign up below and let’s see which of our socials to find. Each social media account, you’ll earn a ticket that allows you the opportunity to win one of two fantastic prizes.
Out of all the participants (or participating in raffle tickets), we will select two winners. The lucky winners will be contacted via the e-mail address. The action will close on Tuesday the 12th of October, in the course of your lunch time: from 12:00 pm. So you should be quick!

Be part of it!

Please click on the link below to join or click on the widget below.
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