Koningsdag at coronacrisis is a lot more interesting if you had 100 euro in bitcoin is the winner – Breaking News

Our friends from the GAME have a great action and you still have a bit of a sense of Koningsdag, to give up. You may not make money in your mattress at the flea market, as well as to pay a lot of money to a market of thousands of others, But you can have as many as 100 euro to be won!


It is simple and quick

And you don’t spend a lot of time to do it, in theory, it is possible that, even with a plastic cup of cheap beer in the other hand.

Download this app GAME for iPhone, ipad, or Android device.
Create an account and use the promo code KING.
And that was it!!!

The first 100 users of the code and KING have a chance to win $ 100, so make sure you act quickly! But how do you know if you’ve won? Then it takes a GAME with you and it will be 100 euros on your GAME account.

For more information

What is the GAME?

With the new app’s APPLICATION is a cryptocurrency buying and selling easy, even for novice users. The only thing you need is your mobile phone. You decide how much you want to invest in, which may be of 1 euro. In addition, you will have the choice of the top ten most popular cryptocurrency to buy and sell!

The easier it is to not

For many people it sounds like bitcoin is just as difficult as playing a game of chess with a chess master, GAME shows and you will see that it is actually quite simple. In order to be in the mood to play the games and to continue to be, you know, the GameBoy Color is still available? Anyone could just start playing without technology or programming skills. That is the GAME. It’s colorful, and so easy.
Download the app now and see for yourself how easy it is!!!

Cryptocurrency Market