Sia reached the 500 TB of data stored on your network | Breaking News

Yesterday, 3 September, the team of Sia was celebrating to have reached the 500 terabytes of data housed on its network of decentralised cloud storage.Through his account on the social network Twitter, the team of Sia showed data concerning the current state of the network, where the most prominent was the milestone achieved of 500 TB of data stored on your network.While platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure and Google Cloud are leading the market of computing services and storage in the cloud, the fact that Sia has reached the aforementioned milestone is significant for two reasons. First, because this is a project with a view to the decentralization and the use of the technology of cryptocurrencies to do this and, in the second place, the use of Sia has grown remarkably in 2019.Storage space available and in use on the network of Sia in 2019. Source: siastats.infoEl graph above shows the increase in the total size of data stored on the network of Sia, which represents over a 200%, between February and August of this year. However, it is also appreciated that there was a decrease in the total available space in the network of almost 1,000 TB (30%) in the same period of time.It is important to note, for those not familiar with the operation of Sia and its network of cloud storage, which is a kind of market in which each user is free to provide available space in your(s) disco(s) duro(s) or servers, in addition to bandwidth to upload and download such data to whoever is willing to pay what each one charges for this service. There is a standard price-per-byte, but each bidder decides on the price that you find most convenient, and each client chooses the offer that is most attractive.The platform uses contracts smart in the blockchain Sia for the interaction between the users to offer space in the cloud and those who rent. The means of payment for the services offered it is your criptomoneda native, siacoin (SC). Aspects such as the cost of SC in the volatile market of cryptocurrencies, and the conflict between demand and supply of these services in the platform involve a constant flow in the statistics of Sia, since these factors force users to re-evaluate their options, including active contracts and tenders submitted, if you want to get the greatest possible benefit from this business.With respect to the fluctuation in the statistics of Sia, it is worthwhile to mention that, despite having reported the milestone of 500 TB of data stored on the network the day of yesterday, the figure that displays the web site today is of 497 TB. Other values presented by the platform of Sia today are: 1955 TB of storage available in total (25 TB less than yesterday), 311 hosts (who offer storage space), distributed in 44 countries and an average price of 48,15 SC per TB per month (about USD 0,9 according to the current price of siacoin in the market).During the month of April of the current year, Sia announced an update of its protocol, to provide advantages such as the recovery of files stored in the cloud, and the instantaneous transmission of videos hosted on it. These developments are compounded by the release of the tool Sia Host Manager, which, although it is still in its beta stage of development, will offer its users a better experience in terms of the management servers of Sia by the inclusion of data and relevant statistics.

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