This is what is known so far about the criptomoneda of Telegram | Breaking News

The company of Russian origin behind the development of Telegram, which she decided to launch her own criptomoneda, has managed the project with the greatest secrecy. However, it has gradually been filtering information that has allowed us to clear doubts about their ambitious plans.As part of these data which have been revealing, the portal tests published on Friday, September 6, the source code to run nodes in the chain blocks of the project with which developers and community members interested in the project, you can begin to structure their nodes and validators.The publication was scheduled for 1 September, according to sources familiar with the progress of the project, but was delayed a few days for unclear reasons. The launch in the Open Network of Telegram is scheduled for 31 October at the latest.In terms of its official launch, it is presumed that the first cryptocurrencies Gram should be put into circulation in two months, according to the newspaper The New York Times, which quotes the statements of investors who have decided to remain anonymous due to a confidentiality agreement.Even before being publicly released, the criptomoneda may have reached 200% in the appreciation of its price in the market compared to last year. In accordance with the exchange house Japanese Liquid, the branch of Gram-Asia in South Korea, has offered to sell rights-of-token Gram, who possess, at a price of USD 4 each, which is in contrast with the price paid by private investors in the second round of the ICO of a Telegram in march of 2018, where the price to pay was USD 1,33.In the published documents, the developers of the criptomoneda of Telegram pointed out that with the aim of preventing speculation, the total supply of Gram will be 5 million, of which, during the ICO were distributed of the following way: 52% of the global amount will be frozen, the 4% will remain in the hands of the developers, while the remaining 44% will be in circulation in the market. The number of coins that will enter the market to remain unchanged, as they are not expected to further extraction.


The ecosystem

Telegram Open Network (TON), is the open network peer-to-peer networks that will support the criptomoneda Gram and decentralized applications (dApps). TON aims to improve the scalability in relation to the chains of blocks are more common today, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum may even exceed 30 thousand transactions per second processed by the payment systems Visa and MarterCard, according to the promoters of the project.The ecosystem of TON it is a great machine in the interacting chains of blocks, robots, bots, contracts and intelligent application.According to documents published this blockchain can be divided into blockchains parallel thanks to the paradigm of fragmentation, infinite (Infinite Sharding Paradigm), which Nikolai Durov, the co-founder of Telegram, called the “project blockchains”, through which you can create up to 292 blockchains additional, thus accelerating the creation of blocks and increasing the speed of transactions.The project features a chain block main (Masterchain) and string work (Workchains). In the Masterchain is stored in the key information about the protocol, the hash and the information about the nodes TON or validators, while the Workchains running contracts smart. Contracts smart are encoded in language Fift, created specifically for this ecosystem.The blockchain also has a mechanism of automatic recovery that will avoid any hard fork or an error in the network, according to the documentation of the project. This mechanism makes possible the creation of new blocks on those which prove to be defective.The platform has gateways to access the services, which will also be integrated into Telegram Messenger.The main services will be the payment system TON Payments, and your wallet cryptocurrencies associated, but also will feature other services.The wallet, designed by the team of developers of Telegram Open Network, it can also store other criptoactivos.TON will be used by the mining algorithm Proof of Participation (Proof-of-Stake), through which, in order to validate the operations, the participants (nodes) sends a transaction special that locks your funds for a certain period of time and allows them to enter the process of creation and validation of blocks. The validators confirm the blocks are users chosen among those with the greatest amount of cryptocurrencies.In the tutorials section of the repository TON on GitHub, are available step by step instructions to create and compile a contract smart simple. In the same way, is available a faucet for TON, that allows the stakeholders to get Grams of test.

The use cases of Gram

The criptomoneda Gram will be the fuel of the platform Telegram Open Network and is used for a variety of services in the ecosystem. As specified in its white paper, will be used to pay commissions to the nodes validators to process transactions and contracts smart. It will also serve for on-lending to the validator to change the reward for their work.Gram will grant voting power to support or oppose in the parameters of the protocol. Will serve to make use of the services provided by the applications created on the platform. It may also be used to store data securely and decentralized, as well as to pay for the registration of domain names based on chains of blocks (TON DNS, and hosting of, sites TON (TON WWW) or by hiding the identity and IP addresses (TON Proxy)Gram also will be available for use outside of Telegram Open Network like any other criptomoneda currently on the market.


TON Services provides a platform for third-party services that allows you to user-friendly interfaces with the smart phones for decentralized applications and contracts with smart, as well as an experience of navigation decentralised similar to that of the World Wide Web.TON storage: is a storage technology metadata, an analog unlockable torrents, accessible through the network TON P2P used to allow the exchange of files and decentralized applications (dApps).TON Proxy is a network-layer proxy/anonymizer that is used to hide the identity and the IP addresses of the nodes TON. The main advantage of TON Proxy is that this service will use all the components of the platform.TON DNS makes possible the operation of analogs of traditional web sites in the network, TON, also will use the proxy service to “native” in the background for all of the services available on the platform.TON Payments is a platform of micro-payment and a network of channels of micro-transactions and peer-to-peer outside of the chain block main.

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